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We’veAmaten has been operating an Exchange forexchanging gift cards for more than 12 years, such as Amazon, Google and Apple for more than 12 years, with USD 110million sales of US$ 110 million per year, whichaccounting isfor 75% of the market sharesshare in Japan. And now we’rethe project is developing a new type of blockchain based NFTblockchain-based gift card and NFTa pointTEMPORARY rewardrewards program for the pastlast 3 years. This is becausedue to the fact that in conventional gift card systems there are facing issuesproblems such as fraudulent fraud, errors, slow speed in exchange rate changes, as well as high cost on managingmanagement &and maintenance costs.
OurThis new product will solve thosethese issuesproblems, and onceas soon as the system is launched in Q4the 4th quarter of 2021, the Amaten’s blockchain solution will be used by the 500+ hotelshotel chain, and AMA will be used exclusively used as thea utilityservice token in the ecosystem. WeThe areproject eyeingis also ready to expand intothe airline loyalty program as well. Imagine the demand it may create to AMA and Amaten ecosystem! Don’t be late!
Get the latest AMATEN price, AMA market cap, trading pairs, charts and data today from the world's number one cryptocurrency price-tracking website
We’ve been operating an Exchange for gift cards such as Amazon, Google and Apple for more than 12 years with USD 110million sales per year, which is 75% of the market shares in Japan. And now we’re developing a new type of blockchain based NFT gift card and NFT point reward program for the past 3 years. This is because the conventional gift card systems are facing issues such as fraudulent , errors, slow speed in exchange as well as high cost on managing & maintenance.
Our new product will solve those issues and once the system is launched in Q4 2021, Amaten’s blockchain solution will be used by 500+ hotels chain and AMA will be exclusively used as the utility token in the ecosystem. We are eyeing to expand into airline loyalty program as well. Imagine the demand it may create to AMA and Amaten ecosystem! Don’t be late!