Aleph Farms is an Israeli cellular agriculture start-up founded by Didier Toubia and Shulamit Levenberg in 2017 developing technologies for culturing meat products into 3D structures.
Aleph Farms is an Israeli cellular agriculture start-up founded by Didier Toubia and Shulamit Levenberg in 2017 developing technologies for culturing meat products into 3D structures. Aleph Farms is an Israeli cellular agriculture start-up founded by Didier Toubia and Shulamit Levenberg in 2017 developing technologies for culturing meat products into 3D structures.
What is Aleph Farms?
Aleph Farms goal is to create products which have the same texture and shape as meat from conventional animal farming — such as steak. The company is pioneering technologies that allow cultured meat products to move beyond simple structures using one or two types of cells, such as ground beef, to more conventional meat cuts. Their technologies allow for several cell types to be grown into complex shapes; which has traditionally been a limiting factor for cultured meat companies.