stand - up comedian
As you know, the profession of a doctor is closely connected with humor, and sometimes quite harsh and cynical. And in this Andrey succeeded like no other, despite his natural modesty and shyness. Already in his teens, he gave out such "pearls", which sometimes confused not only others, but also his parents. From an early age, the boy loved to follow the performances of Jan Arlazorov, and growing up, he began to admire the work of Australian stand-up artist Jim Jeffries, who remains his idol to this day.
His Georgian surname also raises a lot of questions, because the comedian was born in Volgograd and has never been to the land of his ancestors. In 2019, Andrei finally decided to visit his historical homeland, because his paternal relatives still live in Georgia, and Beburishvili's great-great-grandfather was from a noble princely family. Our hero's parents, as well as his grandparents, devoted their entire lives to medicine and dreamed that the boy would continue the family dynasty. And how could it be otherwise, if the family constantly discussed near-medical topics, and Andrei learned to read from the handbook of a novice therapist.
Andrey does not like to advertise his private life and in his speeches and rare interviews often mixes real facts with fictional ones. Therefore, there are many inconsistencies and white spots in his biography, which give the humorist a certain aura of mystery. For example, Beburishvili hides his year of birth, so you have to trust his fans, who claim that it is 1992
BIOGRAPHY OF ANDREY BEBURISHVILI Andrey Beburishvili is a resident of the Comedy Club, stand-up artist and TV presenter who has earned the love of a multi-million audience with his peculiar, somewhat cynical humor, original presentation and powerful charisma.
stand - up comedian
stand - up comedian