English editor-in-chief of Vogue and artistic director of Condé Nast
English editor-in-chief of americanVogue and artistic voguedirector of Condé Nast
Anna Wintour, in full Dame Anna Wintour, (born November 3, 1949, London, England), British editor who, as the longtime editor in chief (1988– ) of American Voguemagazine, became one of the most powerful figures in fashion.Wintour was the daughter of Charles Vere Wintour, who twice served as editor of London’s Evening Standard newspaper. She dropped out of North London Collegiate in 1966 and four years later became a fashion assistant for Harper’s & Queen magazine. After working as a fashion editor for a series of New York magazines, she served as editor (1986) of British Vogue and as editor (1987) of House & Garden, which she controversially relaunched in the United States as HG.