Меня зовут Антон и я занимаюсь инвестициями в различных отраслях, фондовый рынок, криптовалюты, приватные инвестиции. Делюсь этим в своем аккаунте телеграм и на ютуб.
From the economic point of view, investors are divided into two types.
Меня зовут Антон и я занимаюсь инвестициями в различных отраслях, фондовый рынок, криптовалюты, приватные инвестиции. Делюсь этим в своем аккаунте телеграм и на ютуб.
Investor is a person who makes investments, i.e. monetary investments on the stock market. Individuals, organizations or funds can act as an investor.
According to Russian legislation, there are two additional types of investors: institutional, i.e. professional securities market participants and qualified investors.
From the economic point of view, investors are divided into two types.
First, they are strategic investors. That is, those who acquire assets for a long period of time, and who can potentially participate in the management of companies, if necessary. Often, a shareholding in an organization is acquired for strategic purposes, which provides certain additional opportunities (for example, a blocking stake).
Strategic investors may also include those who specialize in so-called direct investments.
Second, portfolio investors. As a rule, they are not interested in participating in the management of a company. Their task is to make a profit from the difference between the purchase and sale price, i.e. speculative operations on the securities market.
Investors can buy stocks, bonds, bills of exchange, as well as participate in the derivatives market. Strictly speaking, investors do not include money market participants, i.e. buyers of currencies and short-term monetary instruments, as these segments are not part of capital markets.
Investor returns consist of investment profits, which are based on a fundamental risk/return ratio. (https://www.banki.ru/wikibank/investor/)
Меня зовут Антон и я занимаюсь инвестициями в различных отраслях, фондовый рынок, криптовалюты, приватные инвестиции. Делюсь этим в своем аккаунте телеграм и на ютуб.