Automation Anywhere is a company developing cognitive Robotic Process Automation (RPA) software.
The latest available public data on the company’s revenue is for 2018. Using Silicon Angle’s data, we assume that in 2019 Automation Anywhere’s revenue was $250 million and will reach $500 million by the end of 2020. In a year, the company may generate $700-900 million in revenue. Public market capitalization is $15-25 bln. The risk-reward ratio is 1/4.
Automation Anywhere has secured a total of $840 million in funding from Softbank, Salesforce Ventures (lead investor), Goldman Sachs, Workday Ventures, New Enterprise Ventures. Its latest funding in November 2019 brought the company’s valuation to $6.8 billion, a single share is worth $16.61.
Automation Anywhere revenue grew from $74 million to $108.4 million, a growth clip of 46.5%, good for second place and 12.8 percent market share, Gartner points out. The number of customers doubles on a year-to-year basis.
The global robotic process automation market size is expected to reach USD 25.66 billion by 2027, according to a new report by Grand View Research, expanding at a CAGR of 40.6% over the forecast period. 50% of U.S. healthcare providers will invest in robotic process automation (RPA) in the next three years, according to Gartner.
Wikibon forecasts a market valuation of around $75 billion a year by 2025, suggesting the RPA market is actually more likely to be undervalued at this time.
Automation Anywhere provides an intelligent automation platform that enables you to create your own software bots to automate any business process. Automation Anywhere service allows businesses to spend less time and resources on routine tasks and redirect high-value human capital to core activities.
Automation Anywhere, a Silicon Valley-based company, was founded in 2003. Over 2017-2019 Automation Anywhere saw a sevenfold increase in customer base, from 500 to 3500. The company works largely with large and medium-sized businesses in finance, insurance, healthcare, technology, manufacturing, telecommunications and logistics. It counts a number of high-profile companies as clients: Anheuser-Busch, Dell, Qualcomm, Accenture, Boston Scientific, Comcast, Cisco, Coca Cola Japan, Cognizant, Ernst & Young, KPMG, LinkedIn, PwC, Siemens, VW.