Metallurgical plant in Ukraine. It is located in Mariupol on the shore of the Azov Sea in the mouth of the Kalmius River. It is a monopolist in Ukraine for the production of some types of rolled steel.
Metallurgical plant in Ukraine. It is located in Mariupol on the shore of the Azov Sea in the mouth of the Kalmius River. It is a monopolist in Ukraine for the production of some types of rolled steel.
roduction volume in 2005:
pig iron - 4.9444 million tons (3rd place in Ukraine - 19.1%),
steel - 5.7577 mln tons (3rd place in Ukraine - 15.3%)
rolled steel - 5.3029 mln tons (3rd place in Ukraine - 15.8%)
Sinter - 2.0994 mln tons (8th place in Ukraine - 4.4%)
coke - 76.9 thousand tons (13th place in Ukraine - 0.4%) - including produced by Markokhim - 2,282 thousand tons (4th place in Ukraine - 12.1%).
A considerable part of the output product types are certified by the leading world classification societies. The plant produces cast and pig iron, continuously cast slabs, heavy plates, square billet, bars and shapes, main railway rails.
Production volume in 2020:[26]
pig iron - 3,803 thous. tons,
steel - 4194 thous. tons,
coke - 1,260 thousand tons.
The volume of exports in 2003 was 2.9377 billion UAH (0.5817 billion USD).
Specific weight of barter operations (2001) - 2.6%.
The share of export operations (2001) - 23.87 %.