Cranberry International School is a small but charismatic International preschool nestled in the city of Lampang where the children stand at the center of the realm.
Cranberry International School is a small but charismatic International preschool nestled in the city of Lampang where the children stand at the center of the realm.
Cranberry International School is a small but charismatic International preschool nestled in the city of Lampang where the children stand at the center of the realm.
Cranberry International School is a small but charismatic International preschool nestled in the city of Lampang where the children stand at the center of the realm. Cranberry International School is the only school in Northern Thailand following the IPC program and based on the Early Childhood Education, centered on the “power of play” based on the Constructivist Philosophy of Jean Piaget.( We are dedicated to providing quality education to children belonging to the age group of 2 – 6 years. We emphasize on the cognitive mechanisms of the children to help learn on their own with a constant interaction with the environment for their overall development.
Cranberry International School is a small but charismatic International preschool nestled in the city of Lampang where the children stand at the center of the realm.