Russian pop group
Russian pop group
Demo is a Russian pop group. It was founded in 1998 in Moscow by producers Vadim Polyakov (Midler) (Projects "Thriller" and "Pankodelika") and Dmitry Postovalov ("Arrival"), also known for working with Lika Star. In 1999, vocalist Alexandra Zvereva was invited to the group. The band is the winner of the Golden Gramophone, 100-Pound Hit, two Song of the Year awards and many regional awards. Officially, the birthday of the group is considered to be the day of the first public performance in MDM, namely April 26, 1999. The music and lyrics of the project were originally written only by Dmitry Postovalov and Vadim Polyakov (Midler), but later, after Dmitry Postovalov left the group (2002), some compositions began to be written by other authors. In 2011, a new vocalist Daria Pobedonostseva joined the band, and in 2019 she was replaced by Lyubov Tolkunova (LOVE Ti). Also in 2018 , producer D. returned to the group .Postovalov.
In 1999, 17-year-old student Alexandra Zvereva from MGIMO heard about the creation of a new musical project and decided to come to the casting. After passing it, Zvereva became the vocalist of a musical group called "Demo", and in February the recording of the first songs, such as "Sunny" and "2000 years", began. In addition to Zvereva, dancers Maria Zheleznyakova and Danila Polyakov take part in the project. In autumn, director A.Igudin shot a video for the song "The Sun" and was shown on television.
In November 1999, dancer Maria Zheleznyakova left the group, unable to combine work in the group with studies at the Plekhanov Academy, and dancer Danila Polyakov, who received an offer to work as an assistant for rehearsals with director Vasily Barkhatov at the Bolshoi Theater. In their place, dancers Anna Zaitseva, a former dancer of the group "NA—NA", and Pavel Penyaev, an ex-dancer of the ballet "Duncan", come to the group.
After the band's first tour took place in Russia, the Baltic States, Israel, Australia, and the UK, the band released the album "The Sun". At the end of the year, there are tours in Germany, England, and the USA.
Soon one of the producers, Dmitry Postovalov, leaves the group. The albums "Above the Sky" and "Goodbye, summer" are being released, a tour of US cities is being held.
In 2003, the group's popularity declined. At the end of 2006, the album "Forbidden Songs" was recorded, which was released in 2007. Despite this, the group's activities become more passive and receive less press coverage.
In 2009, one of its founders, Dmitry Postovalov, returned to the group, and Alexandra Zvereva had a second child. Dancers Pavel Penyaev and Anna Zaitseva leave the group (they left for Angelika Varum). Demo becomes one of the headliners of the retromegadence "Disco-2008" in St. Petersburg.
On April 26, an anniversary concert is being held in Moscow at the Tochka club. After the concert, Dmitry Postovalov officially announced to Vadim Polyakov that he was leaving the band again.
After the anniversary concert and until the end of 2011, the band visited about 40 cities of Russia, Europe and America with concerts. In mid-2009 , the band recorded 3 new songs: "Dot", "First Kiss" and "Don't be Silent", a video clip was shot for the latter later in St. Petersburg.
In April, the song "Create a Movement" was recorded, which was subsequently rotated very often in the summer on dance radio stations in Russia. At the end of the year, a new version of this song "New Year is Coming (Rainbow Remix 2011)" was released. According to the results of the 2010 program "Tambourine of the Year" on DFM radio, the Demo group entered the TOP-100 on the honorable 6th place among Russian pop teams. Among foreign songs, according to DFM, the DEMO group took 63rd place. The song "Spring Unwinds braids" was also recorded, which, according to the results of testing of radio stations, scored the highest score, but for a number of reasons did not get into the rotation of network radio stations.
On March 12, the band performed at the Olympic Sports Complex at the SuperdiskotEka festival. In May, Vadim Polyakov and Alexandra Zvereva officially announced that they were ending their joint activities. Alexandra Zvereva took up a solo career, and Vadim Polyakov found a new soloist for the group — Daria Pobedonostseva. By the decision of the court of the Russian Federation, A.Zvereva is prohibited from performing the songs of the group "DEMO". The girl moved to live in the USA, where they started designing clothes and a line of cosmetics. In June, the shooting of the video for the new song "Kiss my lips" with a new soloist took place. The premiere of the video took place on September 1 and caused mixed responses: both negative (from fans of Alexandra Zvereva) and positive. On October 10, the first song performed by Dasha Pobedonostseva in Russian, "Sunny Rain", was released. On November 14, another song was released in English, "So hard".
New songs have been recorded, for which clips have also been shot: "Past the Clouds", "This Summer", as well as the songs "In zero gravity", "Love for us", which are very well received at concerts by both young people and "old" fans of the collective.
In the new line-up, the DEMO group continues to tour extensively in Russia, CIS countries and in Europe, Asia and the Middle East.
On June 12, 2018, the producers of the DEMO group Vadim Midler (Polyakov) and Dmitry Postovalov signed a cooperation agreement with Any Tolkunova (LoveT).
Composer and sound producer Dmitry Postovalov and lyricist Vadim Polyakov have started recording a new album and preparing the DEMO & LoveT concert program.
On January 25, 2019, the first single, the song "Romance", is released. On April 26, the 20th anniversary of the band, the song "Consciously (For you)" is released.
Group composition
Former members: