The design of multi-chain and parallel chains structure can interconnect blockchain systems and solve the congestion and concurrency issues
The design of multi-chain and parallel chains structure can interconnect blockchain systems and solve the congestion and concurrency issues
En-Tan-Mo is a next-generation blockchain based on Nash equilibrium and the idea of value
transfer. Its name emerged from Entente, Transaction and Mobius. The core En-Tan-Mo team consists
of a remarkable consortium of scholars, including Prof. Thomas Sargent, the leader of the rational
expectation revolution and winner of the 2011 Nobel Prize in Economics; Prof. Sheldon Lee Glashow,
the Nobel-winning theoretical physicist who proposed the first grand unified theory; as well as
scholars from California Institute of Technology, the University of Maryland and the institut Henri
Poincare who achieved SHD completeness by innovatively incorporating game theory in blockchain
development. En-Tan-Mo is a place where SCV miners and Pareto mining pools support and motivate
each other under Kantorovich consensus, a platform that accommodates various applications
and communities in different blockchains and non-blockchain systems, and a decentralized world
where people longing for equality, democracy and genuine freedom are entitled to their fair share
of stake. En-Tan-Mo goes beyond a blockchain-based platform. It is a community that carries the
widest variety of applications and hosts the most extensive participants and the one that is built
upon solid mathematical framework and guided by profound economic and philosophical thoughts.
This whitebook, therefore, is not sufficient to account for the significance and complexity of En-TanMo, and merely serves as a brief introduction of the project. En-Tan-Mo development team is working
on producing more papers with respect to En-Tan-Mo world, philosophy, mathematics, economics,
calculation and ecology so as to shed more light on the project for interested readers.
Ever since its inception, blockchain has been
hailed as a promising technology that stands out
in the history of the internet. Its birth renders all
centralized applications obsolete. Digital token
of blockchain, like physical currency in the real
economy, is designed to function as a medium that
improves the speed and scalability of transactions,
thus enabling the internet to serve not only as a
channel for information sharing but also as a bridge
for value transfer. In 2009, the creation of Bitcoin
ushered in a new era of "digital gold'. Since then,
1.0 En-Tan-Mo World
waves of gold rush has been sweeping the internet
repeatedly with ever-increasing intensity. As of 2018,
it is estimated that only 6 blocks (which generate 75
bitcoins as rewards) are mined every hour at the
hash rate of approximately 30000PH/s. Bitcoin Energy
Consumption Index, issued by Digiconomist, shows
that the electricity consumed by bitcoin mining has
amounted to 39.45TWh per year, an equivalent to
2 billion USD. With massive amount of computational
resources pouring into the mining of digital gold,
Bitcoin blockchain in 2017, in fact, has a lot in
common with the United States during the 1848-
1851 Gold Rush. Back then, America suffered from an
acute shortage of food and clothing as a result of
population explosion. The growth of service sector
failed to keep pace with the surging social demand
with U.S. wholesale commodity price index soaring
from 847 to 1025. What Bitcoin really took the world
by surprise, however, is that it only took 9 years to
establish its own “Gold Standard Monetary System”,
an endeavor that took the real world hundreds of
years to accomplish.
In 2013, Vitalik Buterin proposed Ethereum—
— “the next - generation of cryptocurrency
and decentralized application platforms”. This
revolutionary innovation gave birth to the
smart contract system characterized by Turing
completeness, pushing ether, Ethereum’s digital token,
to the height of "digital oil". Ethereum allows users to
build applications at low cost and great speed on a
variety of modules. To be more specific, it empowers
users to write applications with Ethereum Virtual
Machine Code, a Turing-complete scripting language.
The applications are called smart contract which
is the core of the whole blockchain platform. Smart
contract is the "autonomous agent" of Ethereum
blockchain. When a contract receives a message,
its code activates and self-executes instructions the
message contains and then sends back a message
or a transaction in turn. It should be pointed out that
an Ethereum transaction can be either a transaction
or a segment of instructions. The good thing is that
it allows ether to be used in large quantities. But it
also burn resources and sometimes, to the point
of exhaustion that incurs serious congestion on the
network. A widely used and fitting metaphor is that
Ethereum is like a non-scalable highway, and onblockchain applications are automobiles fueled
by ether. Currently, Ethereum carries over 900,000
contracts, most of which are homogeneous token
applications, like huge cars cramming a narrow,
congested and over-charging highway
September 1, 2018
The design of multi-chain and parallel chains structure can interconnect blockchain systems and solve the congestion and concurrency issues