Federation of European Biochemical Societies is an international scientific society.
May 20, 2013
FEBS promotes the goals of the Federation and the highqualityhigh quality science of its members through the Annual Meeting hosted by one member of the Federation each year.
FEBS promotes the goals of the Federation and the highquality science of its members through the Annual Meeting hosted by one member of the Federation each year.
FEBS brings together the thousands of members of national biochemistry and molecular biology societies in Europe and neighbouring regions. FEBS currently has 39 such 'Constituent Societies', comprising 35 Member Societies and 4 Associate Member Societies. A delegate from each Member Society, along with the FEBS Executive Committee, forms the FEBS Council.
FEBS promotes and supports biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, molecular biophysics and related research areas through its journals, Congress, Advanced Courses, Fellowships and other initiatives. There is an emphasis in many programmes on scientific exchange and cooperation between scientists working in different countries, and on promotion of the training of early-career scientists.
January 28, 1964
January 1, 1964
January 28, 1964