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Gempler's is a company that provides services and products for outdoor work gear. The company was founded in 1939 in Madison, Wisconsin, United States.
The company is a family owned business that looks to provide equipment that has been tested and is certified. Their product lines include items such as tools, safety equipment, pest control, work wear, boots, gloves, and more. the company works with and partners with brands such as Carhartt, Timberland, Columbia, Darn Though, Cobrahead, Rogue Hoe, and others. Their primary target is small business customers, and people, that are interested in farming, and growing organic foods.
Most of their product categories include landscaping and nursery, new-to-market products, safety, work wear, maintenance, sprayers, footwear, pest control. Their landscaping tools and supplies are made in the United States.
The company was open during the global pandemic of COVID-19, coronavirus, and were an option for businesses to keep employees and families safe.