Ginoa is a social project created by several developers who have believed and developed a vision in the NFT community and its works since 2017.
Ginoa is a social project created by several developers who have believed and developed a vision in the NFT community and its works since 2017.
The team realized that while buying and selling NFTs, people fall into price error. To solve this problem, he got help from artificial intelligence depending on "fair price" algorithms. Now even people who have never joined the crypto community can gauge the significance of the price thanks to Ginoa.
We use Amazon Artificial Intelligence servers for artificial intelligence infrastructure. As stated in Road Map, our goal is to incorporate Artificial Intelligence and provide Fully-autonomous NFT trading service.
All the services that Ginoa offers will be free now and forever. That's why we are a social project. The Ginoa team is currently in talks with the world's largest crypto exchanges and venture capital companies for the project to reach the masses. The team is already in talks with the world's largest stock exchanges and venture capitals.