Gnosis builds decentralized infrastructure for the Ethereum ecosystem.
Started in 2015, Gnosis is a decentralized prediction market built on the Ethereum protocol. Third-party developers will also be able to introduce their own services.
A prediction market utilizes user predictions to aggregate information about future events, Individuals will be able to create prediction markets for events, allowing users to buy shares of predicted events.
The platform employs a dual token structure: Gnosis (GNO) and OWL. GNO are ERC-20 tokens that the team sold during their ICO. OWL tokens are earned by staking GNO. The amount of OWL received is dependent on the length of the lock period as well as the total supply of OWL tokens in the market.
The team is led by Martin Köppelmann (CEO), Stefan George (CTO), and Dr. Friederike Ernst (COO).