GoodGhosting is a DeFi pool which rewards regular saving founded by Rachel Black, Francis B. Odisi and Giel Detienne.
A DeFi pool which rewards regular saving.
GoodGhosting is a DeFi savings game. Compete with others and get higher interest rates than when you would save by yourself. All without losing your initial deposit. How? Join our shared saving pools by depositing digital stablecoins on the Polygon network. Add to your savings weekly to stay in the game. Feel proud as your balance grows and you hit your financial goals.
Pooled funds are deposited in decentralized savings accounts (powered by Aave), earning higher interest rates than in traditional finance. By hitting your predefined goals, you earn a slice of the pool’s interest! Players that missed a deposit, still get their initial deposit back but do not earn any interest. So the more people drop out, the greater the returns for the winners! Annual interest rates over 10% are possible — although not guaranteed. We are also providing additional incentives for early users, through yield farming of MATIC tokens and prize matching by some of our great sponsors such as Aave.
A DeFi pool which rewards regular saving.