Decentralized bridge that unlocks the power of interoperability & liquidity between blockchain ecosystems
April 25, 2022
April 25, 2022
You can visit to vote with Keplr.
Let your voices be heard.
April 17, 2022
What's a Gravity Group you ask? Why it just so happens there's a blog post on that very topic!
April 17, 2022
April 13, 2022
PS: Staking button live, but the landing page is still under construction . The landing page and staking via Keplr should be online as soon tomorrow.
April 13, 2022
PS: Staking button live, but the landing page is still under construction . The landing page and staking via Keplr should be online as soon tomorrow.
April 13, 2022
PS: Staking button live, but the landing page is still under construction . The landing page and staking via Keplr should be online as soon tomorrow.
April 13, 2022
What's a Gravity Group you ask? Why it just so happens there's a blog post on that very topic!
April 7, 2022
April 7, 2022
April 7, 2022
April 7, 2022
April 1, 2022
March 24, 2022
March 22, 2022
March 22, 2022
March 22, 2022
March 22, 2022
March 11, 2022
RFP #1, new front end/GUI for Gravity Bridge:
RFP #2, snapshot service for the Gravity blockchain.
In addition to the Gravity Grant discussions, please have a look at this other discussion of proposed shared liquidity incentives for stable token metapools on EVMOS/Saddle: (изменено)
March 9, 2022
#1: Adding external rewards (GRAV) to the GRAV/OSMO liquidity pool (LP # 625) on Osmosis!
#2: Signaling proposal to add OSMO incentives to the GRAV/OSMO pool on Osmosis.
So GRAV and OSMO holders of the world unite - let's go rock the vote!
March 1, 2022