Integriculture is a Japanese cellular agriculture company making lab grown foie gras and other clean meat and cellular agriculture products. The company was founded in on October 23, 2015 and is located in Tokyo, Japan.
Integriculture is a Japanese cellular agriculture company making lab grown foie gras and other clean meat and cellular agriculture products. The company was founded on October 23, 2015 and is located in Tokyo, Japan. Yuki Hanyu founded Integriculture on October 23, 2015 afteras co-foundinga thespin-off from a non-profit citizen science community Shojinmeat Project, as a way to make commercial cellar agricultural products with what he learned during hiswas timedeveloped within Shojinmeat Project.
Integriculture uses a "Coculture" approach for producing their cellular agricultural products. They have made a cell culturing system that grows muscles cells and liver cells in a connected bioreactor. The liver cells are capable of producing growth factors needed by the muscle cells, and the transfer of the growth factors to the muscle cells is taken care of by Integriculture's coculture bioreactor. These coculturing techniques allows Integriculture to significantly lower the cost of producing clean meat using cellular agricultural techniques. Coculturing is a major part of the "Culnet System" being employed by Integriculture for the large scale management of cell cultures at industrial scales. Integriculture plans on producing culturednon-food meatcellular agriculture products in 2020 at their first commercial plant in Tokyo.
On April 27, 2018 Integriculture received ¥300M (~$2.7 million USD) in seed funding from Real Tech Fund, theBeyond Next Ventures, A-FIVE (Japanese government fund), MTG, euglena and Dr. Hiroaki Kitano (CEO of Sony Computer Science Laboratories).
Integriculture is a Japanese cellular agriculture company making lab grown foie gras and other clean meat and cellular agriculture products. The company was founded on October 23, 2015 and is located in Tokyo, Japan. Yuki Hanyu founded Integriculture on October 23, 2015 after co-founding the non-profit cellularcitizen agriculturescience companycommunity Shojinmeat Project, as a way to make commercial cellularcellar agricultural products with what he learned during his time with Shojinmeat Project.
On MayApril 2527, 2018 Integriculture received ¥300M (~$2.7 million USD) in seed funding from Real Tech Fund, the Japanese government, Beyond Next Ventures, Euglena Co., and Dr. Hiroaki Kitano (CEO of Sony Computer Science Laboratories).
Yuki Hanyu founded Integriculture on October 23, 2016 after co-founding the non-profit cellular agriculture company Shojinmeat, as a way to make commercial cellar agricultural products with what he learned during his time with Shojinmeat.
On December 28, 2016 Inegriculture closed its first round of seed funding. The seed round was lead by Glocalink, who invested and undisclosed amount of money in Integriculture in exchange for the third-party allotment of new shares.
On May 25, 2018 Integriculture received ¥300M (~$2.7 million USD) in seed funding from Real Tech Fund, the Japanese government, and Dr. Hiroaki Kitano (CEO of Sony Computer Science Laboratories).
On April 27, 2018 Integriculture received ¥300M (~$2.7 million USD) in seed funding from Real Tech Fund, the Japanese government, and Dr. Hiroaki Kitano (CEO of Sony Computer Science Laboratories).
On December 28, 2016 Inegriculture closed its first round of seed funding. The seed round was lead by Glocalink, who invested and undisclosed amount of money in Integriculture in exchange for the third-party allotment of new shares.
Yuki Hanyu founded Integriculture on October 23, 2015 after co-founding the non-profit citizen science community Shojinmeat Project, as a way to make commercial cellar agricultural products with what he learned during his time with Shojinmeat Project.