Global system of connected computer networks to communicate between networks and devices.
Global system of connected computer networks to communicate between networks and devices.
The Internet is an international system of computer networks based on IP and the routing of IP packets. A detected connection system between sets of computers around the world has been detected, and its operation is detected by several systemically significant nodes.
The Internet provides the broadest opportunities for the free receipt and dissemination of scientific, business, educational and entertainment information. The global network connects practically all major scientific and governmental organizations of the world, universities and business centers, news agencies and publishing houses, forming a gigantic data repository for all branches of human knowledge. Virtual libraries, archives, news feeds contain a huge amount of text, graphics, audio and video information.
1) 1950s of the 20th century. The beginning of the development of the first computers and the birth of the concept of a single global network in the USA, Great Britain and France.
2) 1960s and 70s of the 20th century. Development of various data transfer protocols and the emergence of isolated networks - ARPANET, NPL, Telenet, CYCLADES, etc.
3) In the 1970s of the 20th century, a revolutionary breakthrough was the creation of the TCP / IP protocol.
4) 1980s 20th century. Combining hypertext documents into a single global network, creating the first supercomputer sites. The emergence of the first providers. Computer sales.
5) 1990s 20th century. Private networks are closed. Merging old and current networks, private connections to the world wide web from around the world. In connection with the spread of computers, the number of subscribers is growing, the first full-fledged reference sites appear.
6) 2000s 21st century. The commercial part of the Internet is being formed. Search engines are emerging. Computers evolve into PCs, various operating systems appear. Server technologies are rapidly developing, data centers are being built. The number of sites around the world is growing.
Web 1.0-3.0
Web 1.0 - the first iteration of the web represents the web 1.0, the early web allowed us to search for information and read it. There was very little in the way of user interaction or content generation - "only-read"
Web 2.0 - “read-write” web. It’s the ability to contribute content and interact with other web users.
Web 3.0 is “read-write-execute.” Most mentions of web3 treat it as an umbrella term, a vision of the future of the internet where ownership and power are more widely distributed. This vision is based on transparent digital ledgers known as blockchains (the technology that underpins cryptocurrencies), and it supposes that Big Tech will be rivaled by more democratic forms of internet governance where you, the user, will get a say — maybe even a vote — in big decisions about how platforms run.