Jelly is a protocol for serving up and distributing token rewards.
Jelly is a protocol for serving up and distributing token rewards.
Jelly Airdrops use Merkle Proofs for whitelists at scale. Projects can launch their own token Airdrops using the Jelly Factory. Available with Airdrip for token vesting and Fancy Claim, the new safe way to claim.
Farming is more fun with NFTs. Our farm will launch with Staking NFTs, representing the staked LPs and access to claim the rewards earned. Our farms support whitelists, multiple tokens and an updateable rewarder.
This is for sticky rewards. Staking provides vested escrow (ve) options and will launch first with veJELLY, a governance token for the Jelly Protocol. Our staking recipe connects to voting apps and DAOs.
Jelly is a protocol for serving up and distributing token rewards.