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Jürgen Schmidhuber is a computer scientist from Germany. He is know for his work in the field of artificial intelligence, and is revered as the father of LSTM (long short-term memory).
Schmidhuber was born in 1962, is a co-director of Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence, and is a professor at the Universita della Svizzera Italiana. He earned his doctorate from TU Munich with his thesis, "Dynamic Neural Nets and the Fundamental Spatio-Temporal Credit Assignment Problem".He is the Chief Scientist at NNAISENSE, a company designed to build the first practical general purpose AI.
His name is attached to hundreds of different records, including books and theses, journal articles, conference and workshop papers, parts in books or collections, editorship, reference works, and informal publicationsHis contributions to the world of AI through long short-term alone have made an impact on billions of modern day devices, and have impacted companies such as Google and Amazon.