JustCarbon is a marketplace that aims to make the carbon market more transparent, simpler, and accessible to both buyers and sellers alike.
JustCarbon is a marketplace that simplifies and makes the carbon market more transparent, simpler and accessible to both buyers and sellers alike.
JustCarbon is a marketplace that simplifies and makes the carbon market more transparent, simpler and accessible to both buyers and sellers alike. Businesses and individuals alike can mitigate their unavoidable carbon emissions with the purchase of JCR tokens, derived from high-quality, nature-based projects and verified to the highest international standards. 1 JCR token = 1 tonne of carbon removed from the atmosphere. Buyers, consumers or wholesalers can sell or purchase JCRs and, most importantly, retire JCRs to offset their historic, or future carbon impact, whilst funding more carbon removal. Read our whitepaper to find out more.
Our mission is to digitalise and mobilise the world carbon market. By bringing billions to the marketplace and putting money back into the nature-based projects, designed to sequester gigatonnes of carbon from the atmosphere, JustCarbon will create a transparent and simplified way to solve the climate crisis.
JustCarbon will only source nature-based carbon removal from producers verified by Gold Standard or VCS (Verra) carbon credits, minted from 2016 onwards. Quality, credibility, and transparency are paramount to what we do. This will drive investment in high-quality carbon removal by allowing project owners to gain the maximum value for their credits. JustCarbon makes the process of selling carbon credits simple and transparent.
Do you have issued Carbon Credits from a nature-based sequestration project that is verified by either VCS (Verra) or Gold Standard? Convert them into JCRs with JustCarbon and we will get them on the market for you. This service allows you to hold or sell your JCRs immediately, once you are approved. Our quality standards assure we support high-quality carbon removal and get more of the money back to the project developers.
The JustCarbon Removal (JCR) token is created once a physical tonne of carbon has been removed from the atmosphere. Once a JCR is `retired’, that is permanently removed from circulation, only then it constitutes pollution offset: a decision that lies with the owner/s of each unit. The platform, which will be run by a decentralised autonomous organisation (DAO), is not owned by any single entity or government and does not exist in any one country. This ensures transparent and balanced governance by all who adopt the platform and engage in active carbon removal. The governance system (JustCarbon Governance, or JCG) exists as a separate unit of voting power. The DAO will assume effective governance of the JustCarbon platform with a Foundation managing the system until the transition is complete. JCG users also receive a discount on transaction fees relating to their JCR activities, meaning there is also a financial reward for being active on the platform and involved in the ecosystem
JustCarbon is a marketplace that aims to make the carbon market more transparent, simpler, and accessible to both buyers and sellers alike.