A Keeper is the term used to refer to an external person and/or team that executes a job. This can be as simplistic as calling a transaction – usually a smart-contract call, or as complex as requiring extensive off-chain logic. The scope of Keep4r allows users to register contracts as jobs for keepers, and keepers to register themselves as available to perform jobs. It is up to the individual keeper to set up their DevOps and infrastructure and create their own rules based on what transactions they deem profitable.
A Job is the term used to refer to a smart contract that wishes an external entity to perform an action. They would like the action to be performed in "good will" and not have a malicious result. For this reason, they register as a job, and keepers can then execute on their contract.
Becoming a Keeper
To join as a Keeper you call bond(uint) on the Keep4r contract. users do not need to deposit any DAI or ETH tokens to join as a Keeper, so they can join with bond(0). There is a 1-day bonding delay before you can activate as a Keeper. Once the 7 days have passed, you can call activate(). Once activated, the lastJob timestamp will be set to the current block timestamp.
Registering a Job
A job can be any system that requires external execution, the scope of Keep4r is not to define or restrict the action taken, but to create an incentive mechanism for all parties involved. There are two cores ways to create a Job;
Registering a Job via Governance: Submit a proposal via Governance, to include the contract as a job. If governance approves, no further steps are required.
Job Interface
Some contracts require external event execution, an example for this is the harvest() function in the yearn ecosystem, or the update(address,address) function in the uniquote ecosystem. These normally requires a restricted access control list, however these can be difficult for fully decentralized projects to manage, as they lack devops infrastructure. These interfaces can be broken down into two types, no risk delta (something like update(address,address) in uniquote, which needs to be executed, but not risk to execution), and harvest() in yearn, which can be exploited by malicious actors by front-running deposits.
For no, or low risk executions, users can simply call Keep4r.isKeeper(msg.sender) which will let users know if the given actor is a keeper in the network. For high, sensitive or critical risk executions, users can specify a minimum bond, minimum jobs completed, and minimum Keeper age required to execute this function. Based on these 3 limits users can define their own trust ratio on these keepers.
KP4R is a governance and staking coin, allowing holders to vote, and propose jobs as well as collect a % of the network fees.