KILT is a blockchain identity protocol for issuing anonymous, verifiable credentials that enable consumers to regain control of their digital identity.
Christian Langer
Design Director
Antonio Antonino
Software Engineer
Matthias Möller
Operations Director
Ingo Rübe
Founder and CEO
Andreas Krautzberger
UI/UX and Graphic Design Specialist
Kasper Mai Jørgensen
Acting CFO
Leon Wenzel
Blockchain Developer
Elisa Dratsdrummer
Communications and Public Relations Manager
Majella Horan
Gerawork Aynekulu
DevOps Engineer
Albrecht Weiche
Timo Welde
Product Owner and Technical Lead
Christine Mohan
Vice President of Business Development
Raphael Flechtner
Philosophical & Ethical Advisor
Irena Pocrnja
Team Assistant
William Freudenberger
Product Owner and Blockchain Developer