Korry expertise is centered on superior human-machine interface products offering balanced lighting solutions for all cockpit needs.
Korry embeds industry leading optical performance into all of our illuminated products. NVIS and secure lighting solutions enable the warfighter to meet operational needs.
Korry houses a complete range of test engineering expertise and test lab facilities that specialize in addressing compliance to commercial and military aerospace environmental and EMI/EMC standards. Capabilities include environmental testing to RTCA D0-160 and MIL-STD-810 and EMI/EMC testing to RTCA D0-160 and MIL-STD-461.
Korry integrates fully certified (TSO'ed) Small Form Factor, Modular Open Architecture and Platform Computing solutions into our products. These solutions support a variety of Airborne Computing applications.
Korry expertise is centered on superior human-machine interface products offering balanced lighting solutions for all cockpit needs.
Korry expertise is centered on superior human-machine interface products offering balanced lighting solutions for all cockpit needs.