Krasnoznamensk — a city inMoscow Region Of Russia with the status of a closed administrative-territorial entity (ZATO).
Krasnoznamensk — a city inMoscow Region Of Russia with the status of a closed administrative-territorial entity (ZATO).
The city is located southwest of the center of Moscow, on 41 km of the M1 Belarus federal highway.
The territory of its urban district is bordered to the north, west, and east byOdintsovo city district, in the south-withNaro-Fominsk city district.
The history of Krasnoznamensk dates back toThe Great Patriotic War. For flights to the rear of the Germans, Soviet long-range aviation required a direction-finding base located at three points. One of these points was a place on the edge of the forest near the villageSidorovskoe. Here is located one of the divisions of the regiment of communications and long-range aviation support.
In 1950, it was decided to build a stationary short-wave receiving radio center (PRC) for the long-range aviation communications forces at the location of the unit. The choice of location was justified by the presence of an electric substation in the village of Sidorovskoye with the necessary power reserve.
By the fall of 1952, seven Finnish houses had been built to form two streets. The first three-story red brick apartment building was built in 1957. Soon the soldiers ' club and library were opened, the construction of technical buildings, a canteen, a bathhouse, and the first stadium continued. In the early 1960s, the name Golitsyno-2 was assigned to the settlement by the number of the post office formation. In 1963, the construction of the first kindergarten in the military town began, the medical center opened its doors to patients, and on September 13, 1971, the first bell rang in a secondary school for 1000 students.
In 1963, on the edge of the same forest area, another military unit began to develop — the PRC of the signal Forces of the Strategic Missile Forces (Strategic Missile Forces). In 1964, the Government issued a decree on the construction of the CCP KIK on the same site. By order of the Strategic Missile Forces in 1964-1967, 9 residential four - and five-story buildings, two dormitories, a shop, a soldier's club, an officer's canteen were commissioned, a water intake well was drilled and treatment facilities were commissioned.
In 1967, in Golitsyno-2 ofThe Center of the Control and Measurement Complex of artificial Earth Satellites and Space Objects was relocated to Bolshevo.
In 1966, a decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR was issued on the construction of a part of the building to house modern computers and other technical equipment of the central complex "Skat-Ts" of the system "Skat". This is the name of the future automated control system (ACS) for spacecraft and CFC facilities. The building was put into operation in 1971, and the automated center started working in 1972.
On January 1, 1976, the population of the village was already about 5 thousand people, about 20 residential buildings were built.
On November 24, 1977, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR No. 10, the locality of Golitsyno-2 was classified as a closed-type workers ' settlement of regional subordination. Since the Center of the Control and Measurement Complex of Artificial Earth Satellites and Space objects has just been awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, the same decree gave the village the name Krasnoznamensk. However, this name was considered closed for a long time, and in open documents the village, and then the city, was still called Golitsyno-2.
On September 14, 1981, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, the work settlement of Golitsyno-2 was transformed into a closed-type city of the same name of regional subordination. By this time, the population of the village had already reached 10 thousand people, and by 1988 it exceeded 20 thousand. Since 1976, 2 schools, 2 polyclinics, a hospital department, five kindergartens, two canteens, and a children's cafe have been built. By the end of 1981, the construction of the House of Officers was completed.
On October 30, 1982, a monument to V. I. Lenin, created by the architect, was unveiled on the central square of the city.Karbel by Lev Yefimovich.
By Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 3-R of January 4, 1994, the city of Golitsyno-2 was renamed the city of Krasnoznamensk
As of January 1, 2021, the city ranked 1102nd out of 1116 cities in the Russian Federation in terms of population.
Krasnoznamensk has the highest birth rate in the region, and the average age of the city's residents is 36 years[20].
A significant part of the population of Krasnoznamensk is made up of young families, in particular because the city is one of the sites where housing is being built under the program for providing young families. The city has the necessary infrastructure for young families: schools, a center for the development of creativity of children and youth, a sports complex "Zarya", a youth center. In September 2011, the commercial project "Young Family" was completed, according to which 257 young families bought apartments[20].
High rates of migration growth in the city's population are due to the fact that housing is being built in Krasnoznamensk under the program implemented by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for the relocation of military families from the Baikonur and Rosatom cosmodromes.Plesetsk"[20]. Due to the relocation of more than 1,200 military families, there has been an acute shortage of kindergartens in the city since 2008.
Social objects
721 enterprises and institutions are registered in the city, 4 general education institutions and a branch functionOdintsovo Technical School, children's youth sports school, children's art school (children's music school), 9 pre-school educational institutions, Center for the Development of Creativity of Children and Youth, House of Officers (garrison), Youth Leisure Center. The city newspaper "Impulse" is published, and the municipal television "TVR+"operates.
In 2003, the Center for Professional Education opened its doors, on the basis of which branches of several higher educational institutions operate, and the Zarya stadium, which has a heated field, was put into operation. The convenient location and structure of the city's economy made it possible to hold regional and even Russian-scale competitions and festivals on its territory.
There is a central municipal library and four museums in Krasnoznamensk. The city's health care system is at a high level — a polyclinic for children and adults, an emergency department, and the 150th Central Military Hospital.
Economy and infrastructure
The city has a well-developed engineering infrastructure (energy, gas, heat and water supply, communications, transport, etc.), high intellectual potential, housing market, environmental safety, and political stability. In addition to enterprises of the defense and research and production complexes, the city successfully operates enterprises of the scientific, technical and innovative spheres. In order to develop innovative activities, an industrial zone with an area of about 9,000 m2 has been created on the territory of the city to accommodate high-tech enterprises, although the specifics of the ZATO impose some restrictions on this process. Since the beginning of 2011, a company for the production of plastic cards has been operating in the city.
There are about 700 enterprises and institutions registered in Krasnoznamensk, and more than 1,000 individual entrepreneurs.
In the city there is a distillery "Traditions of quality" of the company "Synergy".
Local government
In accordance with the law of the Moscow Region, the city of Krasnoznamensk was granted the status of a city district, which includes 1 locality — the city of Krasnoznamensk.
According to the charter of the city district, local self-government bodies of Krasnoznamensk include::
head of the city district;
Council of Deputies;
city district administration;
control department of the city district[22].
The Council of Deputies is a representative body of local self-government of the city and consists of 20 deputies elected in municipal elections for a term of 5 years. According to the current legislation, the head of municipalities elected by Russian citizens is a member of the Council of Deputies and heads it. In the elections of September 14, 2014, among the elected deputies were representatives of all factions of parliamentary political parties and one self-nominated candidate. For the first time in the entire history of the city, a representative of the LDPR - Candidate of Law Vitaly Vladislavovich Vyshkvartsev, who is the youngest deputy, appeared in the Council of Deputies. The head of a city district is elected at municipal elections and is also the Chairman of the Council of Deputies. With the head of the administration of Krasnoznamensk (this is a separate official) The City Council of Deputies signs a contract.
On April 15, 2016, the inauguration of the Head of the city district of Krasnoznamensk Andrey Vasilyevich Ilyin, who replaced him in this position, took placeMikhail Vasilyevich Sapunov.
In the city there is a football club FC "Krasnoznamensk", which plays at the stadium "Zarya".