Lake in senegal
The lake is called "pink" because of the amazing color of the water, which ranges from reddish to scarlet. This color is due to the large number of HalobacteriumHalobacterium halophilic archaeaarchaea in the water. These are the oldest microorganisms that appeared in the Earth's biospherebiosphere 3.5 billion years ago. Pink Lake is most intensely colored during the dry season. The water body is also unique because of the high salinity of the water. The concentration of salt in Lake Retba is almost 1.5 times greater than in the Dead SeaDead Sea - 380 grams per liter, so it is almost impossible to drown in it.
The lake is called "pink" because of the amazing color of the water, which ranges from reddish to scarlet. This color is due to the large number of Halobacterium halophilic archaea in the water. These are the oldest microorganisms that appeared in the Earth's biosphere 3.5 billion years ago. Pink Lake is most intensely colored during the dry season. The water body is also unique because of the high salinity of the water. The concentration of salt in Lake Retba is almost 1.5 times greater than in the Dead Sea - 380 grams per liter, so it is almost impossible to drown in it.
Lac Rose (meaning Pink Lake) lies north of the Cap Vert peninsula of Senegal, some 30 km (18 miles) north-east of the capital, Dakar, in northwest Africa. It is named for its pink waters caused by Dunaliella salina algae and is known for its high salt content, up to 40% in some areas.