LocationSmart is a Cloud Location Services provider for connected devices.
Mobile network location enables businesses to locate assets, connect with workers, verify transactions and much more. This blog provides a few of the many benefits of embracing this technology to assist with your core business needs.
Mobile devices revolutionized the world and the contact center industry was among the first embrace these new technologies. This blog post reviews how location-based services can help improve agent productivity and enhance customer confidence in today's mobile-first environment.
The rise of mobile workforces is one of the many benefits of living in today's connected world but there are also new challenges with worker visibility. Read this blog to learn how location-based services can enhance your current approach to mobile workforce management.
Technology has always influenced the winter holiday season and the combination of mobile device and location-based technologies have revolutionized the ways we shop and travel. This blog post explores how the holidays are powered by location-based services.
Location-based services could benefit your business in a number of different ways. This blog post educates on a few of the most common reasons enterprises adopt location technologies to assist with transaction verification, asset tracking, optimizing efficiencies and more.