MemeBank is a Web 3.0 cryptocurrency exchange that offers spot and futures trading hand-tailored to the needs of young investors.
MemeBank is a Web 3.0 cryptocurrency exchange that offers spot and futures trading hand-tailored to the needs of young investors.
MemeBank is a Web 3.0 cryptocurrency exchange that offers spot and futures trading hand-tailored to the needs of young investors. As of now, most exchanges have high technical and financial thresholds for new beginners. Our mission is to lower the bar of entry, making investing easy, fun and profitable for you.
Trading fee back to the community. All the trading fee will be used for dividend and commission to reward the community.
Easy to earn. Unlike other CEX, memebank aims to build an easy investing platform which allows members to use multiple tools like trading-bot, quantification strategy. This will improve the ROI of users.
Vote to list. Memebank aims to reach another level of perfection by introducing an “vote-to-list” mechanism, where we charge 0 listing fee, and projects have to raise a sufficient amount of votes in order to get listed.
MemeBank is a Web 3.0 cryptocurrency exchange that offers spot and futures trading hand-tailored to the needs of young investors.