is a major educational and scientific institution in Moscow, Russia, with eighteen faculties and seven branches operational in other Russian cities
At the present stage, MPSU is actively involved in the process of training new personnel for the digital economy in the field of digital education. Based on Russian traditions, taking into account global and national values, taking into account the personal and cultural components of innovation, the University implements a platform for the development of digital technologies and network models of unified information and educational environment that will work for the benefit of all domestic education.
On November 27, 2017, A.V. Lubkov presented the Report of the Rector of MPSU to the Academic Council: "On the results of the University's work for the 2016-2017 academic years, the tasks and work plan of the University for the 2017-2018 academic years", which was unanimously approved by the Academic Council.
Consistent implementation of the "Plan of anti-crisis measures of the Moscow State University" and the Concept in 2017 allowed not only to eliminate negative trends in certain areas of the university's activities but also to give a new impetus to the development of educational, scientific, and international activities of the university, significantly strengthen its cultural and educational significance.
As part of the implementation of the Concept during 2017, the curricula and basic educational programs of higher education were revised to strengthen their fundamental, subject, and professional orientation; competitive elections were held for the positions of teaching staff, the election of heads of departments and deans of faculties with the establishment of the term of the employment contract up to 5 years, which allowed to stabilize the personnel situation and to level out the distortions of the personnel policy of previous years; a set of organizational and staff measures has been implemented aimed at optimizing the functional structure of the university, achieving planned tasks for increasing the salaries of the teaching staff.
The implementation of the Concept will allow us to qualitatively change the approach to the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel based on the principles of continuity and renewal. During the implementation of the Concept, special attention is planned to be paid to the participation of MPSU in international educational projects. A particularly important area will be the university's participation in the development of a package of educational and educational products for the systematic promotion of the Russian language and culture Russia abroad.
The Concept formulates the modern mission of the Moscow State University, which consists in "ensuring the continuity and development of the culture of modern Russia through the restoration of domestic pedagogical education based on a harmonious combination of traditions and innovations, the formation of Russian identity and professionalism of future teachers, the full disclosure of their talents." The Concept represents a return to the fundamental and objective nature of teacher training in the form of a synthesis of the subject, psychological, pedagogical, cultural, and general professional training.
The concept is based on the revival of classical domestic standards of teacher training – with a clearly defined subject matter, moral and educational component, as well as their close connection with modern socio-cultural realities, the introduction of innovative technologies, digitalization, and other urgent tasks facing Russian education. As it was noted in one of the central media, "one of the key trends of systemic recovery has been announced, which is vigorously pursued by the head of the Ministry of Education and Science O.Y.Vasilyeva." The development concept of MPSU combines the unique features, historical traditions, and potential of the university as the first pedagogical university in Russia, as well as the best practices of leading universities in the world.
At the beginning of 2017, at the initiative of A.V. Lubkov, the university developed and adopted the "Plan of anti-crisis measures of the MPSU", which became the basis for activities to achieve financial stability at the university. In addition, the Academic Council reviewed and approved a strategic document – "The concept of the development of MPSU for the period 2017-2020: from revival to the creation of a new image of pedagogical education."
A special emphasis in the program of A.V.Lubkov was placed on the problems of the formation of citizenship, patriotism, and family values among students, raising the level of their spiritual and moral culture, developing interaction with the Russian Orthodox Church, and other traditional confessions for our country.
Presenting his program at the Conference of Employees and Students for the election of the rector on an alternative basis, A.V. Lubkov proposed a comprehensive approach to the innovative development of the MPSU, which implies, in particular, the broad involvement of the university in various forms of partnership with high-tech companies, structures of the Russian Academy of Sciences and RAO, the business sector, government, and public organizations. Much attention to the candidate's program was also paid to the issues of participation of MPSU in projects of regional and federal scale, increasing the extra-budgetary income of the university, modernizing its social infrastructure, increasing the level of social protection of employees, and, first of all, the teaching staff, supporting young scientists and teachers, developing international and interregional academic cooperation.
On May 23, 2017, a Conference of employees and students on the election of the rector on an alternative basis was held at the MPSU. According to the results of a secret ballot, Acting Rector A.V. Lubkov was elected to the position of rector of the University by an overwhelming number of votes.
In 2006 - 2013, he worked at MIOOMoscow Institute of Open Education as a vice-rector and part-time professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines, head of the specified department.
In 2013-2014 - held the position of Vice-rector of the Moscow State University. In 2016, he joined the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation as Deputy Director of the Department of State Policy in Higher Education.
In 2006 - 2013, he worked at MIOO as a vice-rector and part-time professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines, head of the specified department.
After his postgraduate studies in 1990, under the guidance of Professor E.M. Shchagin, he defended his Ph.D. thesis. After defending his dissertation, he worked as an associate professor of the Department of Modern Russian History. In 1991-1998 he was the dean of the Faculty of History of the Moscow State University. In 1998 he defended his doctoral dissertation. In the future, until 2006, he was the vice-rector for scientific work – the first vice-rector of the Moscow State University. At the same time, he worked as a professor of the Department of Modern Russian History, and in 2002-2009 - Acting head of the Department of Russian History of the Moscow State University.
In 1978 -1983 he studied at the Faculty of History of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after V.I. Lenin, from which he graduated with honors. During his student years, he was a Lenin scholarship holder, secretary of the faculty Komsomol, member of the Komsomol committee of the Institute. Since 1983, he worked at the Department of History of the USSR (Soviet period) as an assistant, senior lecturer. In 1984-1987 he was the secretary of the Komsomol Committee of the Institute and a member of the Lenin RK Komsomol of Moscow. He took an active part in the organization and holding of the World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow (1985), for which he was awarded a high state award - the medal "For Labor Valor".
In November 2016, Alexey Vladimirovich Lubkov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of RAO, was appointed Acting Rector of MPSU. Before that, A.V. Lubkov worked as Deputy Director of the Department of State Policy in Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
A.L.Semenov's activity as the head of the MPSU was characterized by numerous innovations, which often came into conflict with the established traditions of the university and pedagogical education in general. Many initiatives did not find support in the team and among the leading teachers of the university. A particularly negative reaction was caused by the desire to reduce the fundamental part of the educational process and the subject training of future teachers. The ambiguous attitude of many members of the team was also caused by the general style of university management.
In August 2013, Alexey Lvovich Semenov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and RAO, who previously headed the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education in Moscow "Moscow Institute of Open Education" (MIOO), specializing in the implementation of programs of additional professional education, was appointed acting Rector of MPSU.
Under the leadership of A.L.Semenov, the university became a participant in several major projects, including those related to the modernization of teacher education in Russia. Thus, with the participation of representatives of the MPSU, a draft Concept for supporting the development of pedagogical education was developed, the main provisions of which were included in the Comprehensive Program for Improving the professional Level of the teaching staff of educational organizations. In 2015, MPSU successfully passed state accreditation.
In August 2013, Alexey Lvovich Semenov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and RAO, who previously headed the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education in Moscow "Moscow Institute of Open Education" (MIOO), specializing in the implementation of programs of additional professional education, was appointed acting Rector of MPSU.