Belarusian and Polish writer and composer, musician, artist.
Belarusian and Polish writer and composer, musician, artist.
From 1847 director of the Italian Opera in Paris until its closure during the Revolution (1848). He took an active part in the activities of the Polish so-called Great Emigration.
He graduated from school in Svisloch. In 1823 he entered the University of Vilna, where he studied mathematics. He was arrested for participating in the activities of an illegal student society. For his participation in the uprising of 1831, he was awarded the cross of the Order of "Virtuti Militari". After the suppression of the uprising in 1833, he settled in Paris. He became friends with Frederic Chopin. I took composition and piano lessons from him and Franz Liszt. From 1833 he took drawing lessons. During his travels in France, Austria, Scotland, Belgium, Holland, Spain, Portugal, North Africa, he painted landscapes, mainly urban views.
From 1847 director of the Italian Opera in Paris until its closure during the Revolution (1848). He took an active part in the activities of the Polish so-called Great Emigration. After Alexander II announced an amnesty for the participants of the uprising in 1856, he returned to his homeland. In 1862 he settled in Ukraine in the house of General Adam Zhevusky.
The author of polonaises, mazurkas, waltzes, nocturnes. He composed "Grammaire analitique et pratique de la langue polonaise a l'usage des Français" (P., 1856; B., 1858, in the revision. video - Warsaw, 1874), published "Album dziel kompozytorow polskich" (1838), "Gramatyka muzyki" (Warsaw, 1873) and an album of views of the provinces of Grodno, Vilna, Minsk, Kovno, Volyn, Podolsk and Kiev, the material for which he collected during his travels.
A street in Minsk is named after Napoleon Horde, the artist's work is depicted on the largest Belarusian banknote (100,000 rubles). A monument to the Horde (sculptor Golubev) has been erected in Ivanovo (Brest region, Belarus).
Belarusian and Polish writer and composer, musician, artist.