ONI Token is a Karlsruhe-based company founded in 2021 by Kai Firschau, Lukas Wipf and Alexandre L..
The ONI token is the native utility token of the ONINO ecosystem. It is used to fuel the transactions needed to write to and read data from the ONINO blockchain. The token provides utility by enabling the use of the numerous future layer-2 applications in the ONINO ecosystem.
The ONINO ecosystem allows users to easily verify their identity in the digital space. Following a once-only identity verification using state-of-the-art video or bank account identification technology, the user’s identity can be linked to their ONINO wallet and accessed and utilized for verification at any time - with just one click. This minimal barrier to entry allows everybody to join the ONINO ecosystem in the blink of an eye.
Mirroring Assets
In addition to mapping identities into the digital space, ONINO wallets also enable real-world assets and their properties to be represented in the form of NFT-like objects. They can be linked to the owner’s ID on the blockchain using serial numbers,MAC addresses or other identifiers, confidently capturing an asset’s existence and ownership.
Verifying Institutions & Wallets
A rather simple but very important use-case is the verification of wallets. For the future we would like to see something like a blue tag implemented in all mayor wallets that signals the user if a wallet is genuine. Institutions can decide to put their information publicly on the public chain, individuals keep full control.
ONINO allows to verify the actual natural person/entity behind a chosen wallet on request. This allows for an easy to use blockchain contract solution for commercial/business use but also for private use.
Document Verification
With ONINO it will be possible to save uneditable documents of proof on chain, linked to the identity. LinkedIn and other can now scan for those approvals (you have to give them access first) in order to put blue ticks behind your achievements
The insurance industry is one of the most "middle man" driven business out there. It is also a business that can be beautifully recreated as a decentralised solution. This only works if wallets can connect to metadata/identity.
WEB3 Online Shops, Clubs & Casinos
ONINO will store any kind of metadata. One specific kind is the age of a user. Dapps like a casino on Etherium could request a binary data keypoint to legally operate.
Digital Twin
ONINO will allow users to create a verified digital replica of their natural person to use in WEB3 and the Metaverse.