A decentralized exchange for Avalanche blockchain
PartySwap is an application focused on bringing liquidity to the Avalanche
Ecosystem through different activities. First off, our platform will initiate with an
AMM (Automated Market Maker), relaying on supporting various projects from the
Avalanche Network, initially listing them as pairs in our reward pools. The token
distributed as a reward in our platform will be known as $PARTY.
Phase two of our platform development focuses on improving and bringing the
applications that will increase the utility of the $PARTY token. We plan to
develop different games that rely on our token to operate, creating ways to earn
more money by playing and betting between users.
In the future, we plan to integrate a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization)
and a subnet in the Avalanche Network, mainly centered on bringing a more
decentralized approach into the decision-making of our project and increasing the
development possibilities.
A decentralized exchange for Avalanche blockchain