Река Патрушиха, рыбалка на реке Патрушиха, рыба реки, координаты, как доехать, скорость течения, притоки, длина, глубина, фото.
Река Патрушиха, рыбалка на реке Патрушиха, рыба реки, координаты, как доехать, скорость течения, притоки, длина, глубина, фото.
During its history, the river changed its name several times. According to some sources, it used to be called "Uktus". The first images of the river called Uptuz are given by S.U. Remezov in the drawings of 1684 and 1696. According to local historians A.F. Teploukhov and A.A. Afinogenov, the name of the river comes from the Mansi tus - "mouth", in a figurative sense - "mouth of the river", i.e. Uktus is a small river, "the mouth of which is somewhere near the main river." According to folk etymology, in the vicinity of the river, auctions were held between Russians and Bashkirs, between whom a dialogue took place: “Tus barma?” - "Uk tus". The name Uktus was attached to the market place and beyond the river. By the 1930s, the name of the river was replaced by the name of its left tributary, the river. Patrushikha, which is presumably associated with the one who worked in 1721-1722. at the Uktussky plant, the secretary of the office of the Main Board of the plant I.F. Patrushev.
The upper reaches of the Patrushikha have been changed by land reclamation works carried out in the region, drainage canals, cutting through swampy low-lying watersheds, have united the transformed channels of many rivers of the territory with their tributaries and Lake Chusovoye (Volga basin) into a single network. The Patrushikha flows into the Iset, 569 km from the mouth. The length of the river is 25 km, the basin area is 283 km2. The main tributaries are Shilovka (right).
The direction of the current is from west to east. Flowing through the marshy plain at the foot of the Uktus mountains, it often changes its course, forming many bends. In the lower reaches, the width of the river is 12 m, the incision of the valley along the right bank is about 70 m, the steepness of the slope is 45°. The left bank is gentle. The terraces are difficult to identify as they have been altered by human activities. The average flow velocity is approximately 0.6 m/s, the open area is 5.205 m2, the water flow in the lower reaches is 3.123 m3/s. Within the city of Yekaterinburg, the riverbed is partially straightened, partially relocated. The Elizavetinsky and Patrushikhinsky (Spartak) ponds are located on the river. On the right bank of the river there is a mixed forest, moisture-loving plants grow along the banks: broad-leaved cattail, sedge, rush, and others.
On the right bank of the Patrushikhinsky pond on the rocks you can see small areas of real steppe. The Uktus mountain steppes are the northern outpost of the steppe vegetation of the eastern slope of the Urals and the Trans-Urals, which is of great interest to science. On the right bank of the Patrushikha River, the Uktus Mountains are located. 800 m from the old Chelyabinsk tract, upstream of the river. Patrushikhi, there is an old quarry about 7–8 m deep, in the outcrops of which there are black-green dunites, fine-grained and massive structure, consisting of olivine (90%), pyroxene (8%), platinum and chromite (2%).
The water in the river is soft, the water temperature in spring is +12°C, the turbidity is 50 cm, the smell of plants interrupts the smell of the river. According to the results of the analysis of water quality in the river. Patrushikha using the AQUA-QUICK-TEST, autumn water acidity 8.6 pH, total hardness 21°dH, carbonate hardness 10°dH, free chlorine 0.8 mg/l, nitrates 0 mg/l, nitrites - 0 mg/l. Water from the Patrushikha River exceeds the maximum permissible concentrations in terms of total hardness, and is within the normal range for all other indicators. The bed and banks of the river are polluted with household waste.
It is here, in the lower reaches of the river. Patrushikha, at the foot of the Uktus Mountains, the foundation of the city of Yekaterinburg began.
On the left bank of the river is the village of Uktus, which in 1955 entered the city limits of Yekaterinburg.
Река Патрушиха, рыбалка на реке Патрушиха, рыба реки, координаты, как доехать, скорость течения, притоки, длина, глубина, фото.