Amun Polygon Ecosystem Index
Amun Polygon Ecosystem Index
Amun Polygon Ecosystem Index
Amun's basket tokens are single tokens that are backed by a 'basket' or group of other tokens. Basket tokens give holders exposure to a diversified array of underlying's, and is priced to reflect the Net Asset Value (NAV) of the underlying tokens.
Amun's tokens can be purchased via minting or swapping. Tokens can be minted through our app (Amun Index Tokens) or swapped via our app or a few major DEX's. DFI & DMX can be purchased via Uniswap while PECO is available on Sushi for Ethereum and Sushi & QuickSwap for Polygon.
Amun's ecosystem tokens give users exposure to a single chain or 'ecosystem'. In crypto, there are plenty of blockchains; including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Polygon, Solana, and many others. While some platforms like Bitcoin do not give users much freedom for building on top of the chain, other chains like Ethereum have 'smart contracts' which allow for new tokens and protocols to be built on top of the blockchain. As more projects build on a specific blockchain, an ecosystem develops encompassing all the projects being built on a specific platform. Amun's ecosystem tokens pick out the most liquid and utilized tokens in an ecosystem and wrap them in an index to give holders exposure to the best tokens in an ecosystem.
Currently, the Amun platform supports MetaMask, WalletConnect, Portis, Torus, and Fortmatic. If you'd like more wallets supported, join our Telegram or Discord and let us know.