Genus of reptiles (fossil)
Like all ceratops - herbivorous.
Despite its name, meaning a "five-foot", PentaceratOPS had only three full-fledged horns, and the remaining two are bugs on the cheeks. This dinosaur has a short tail, a large body, colon-like legs with hoof-like claws and a bone, gear cloth on the neck; Popor beak, many brush teeth and strong jaws. Skull of pentaceratops is very large: up to 3 meters long - this is the largest skull of all land animals.
Pentaceratops [source not specified 1864 days] - the genus of dinosaurs from the Ceratopsid family, including the only view of the Pentaceratops sternbergii
Pentaceratops [source not specified 1864 days] - the genus of dinosaurs from the Ceratopsid family, including the only view of the Pentaceratops Ster
They lived about 76-73 million years ago, their remains are mainly found in the formation of Kirtland [EN] in the San Juan Basin Basin [EN] in New Mexico and Colorado, USA. These dinosaurs reached the length of 7 meters, the height of 3 meters and the mass of 5 tons.
Genus of reptiles (fossil)
Pentaceratops [source not specified 1864 days] - the genus of dinosaurs from the Ceratopsid family, including the only view of the Pentaceratops Ster