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Priddy Books was started with one simple aim: to publish innovative, early learning books for babies, toddlers and young children. It was founded in 2000 by Roger Priddy, whose passion for educating children through fun, informative and engaging books has led him and his team to create some of publishing’s most enduring and successful early learning titles.
our-storyWe publish a wide range of books, from baby board books and first word books, to cloth books and our bestselling wipe-clean books, all designed to play an essential role in helping children develop. Based in the heart of London, we follow a very simple business plan – to make brilliantly designed books using simple novelties to spark children’s creativity, and encourage their development and awareness of the world around them. The fact that we have sold more than 100 million books around the world in over 35 languages is great testament to the passion that we have to help educate young children in a fun way. Roger is still involved in all areas of planning and creating new titles, but has surrounded himself with a creative team that not only write, edit and design, but also work with suppliers to develop effective novelties to enhance children’s experiences of our books. Production values are of great importance to us, and a lot of care and time are taken to make sure that these novelties don’t just add value, but are also tested to the highest standards so that they are as safe as possible.
“One of the things I tell my team is that we have to remember that any one of the books we are working on could be the first book a child ever sees. Whether they learn their alphabet, start counting or even develop a lifelong love of dinosaurs – making a baby’s first ever book is quite something.”
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