Protractor is the only plant in Russia and the CIS countries that is one of the four world leading enterprises in the production of heavy bulldozer-ripping and pipe-laying equipment. Machines produced by the enterprise are used in the oil and gas, mining and construction industries.
Protractor is the only plant in Russia and the CIS countries that is one of the four world leading enterprises in the production of heavy bulldozer-ripping and pipe-laying equipment. Machines produced by the enterprise are used in the oil and gas, mining and construction industries.
Plant management JSC "Promtractor"
History reference
PK Promtractor LLC is the largest industrial enterprise, which is part of the Tractor Plants Concern. The Cheboksary Plant of Industrial Tractors was created, built, formed in the 70-80s as the only giant plant of heavy industrial tractor building in the USSR. The efforts of the entire branch of tractor and agricultural engineering, party and government bodies of the country and the republic were directed to its creation. The plant was built to provide the mining, oil and gas industry and the construction industry with domestic equipment.
Large-scale development of fuel and energy and mining industries; a large amount of reclamation work, the development of natural resources and raw material bases in Siberia and Kazakhstan, in the Far North and the Far East, the construction of gas and oil pipelines required the creation and industrial production of powerful advanced equipment: bulldozer-loosening units and pipelayers.
Convenient geographic location, high population density, availability of an energy base determined the choice of a site for the construction of a plant of powerful industrial tractors in the city of Cheboksary.
The construction of the Cheboksary plant of industrial tractors was started on January 12, 1972 on the basis of the Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 606 of August 3, 1966 “On the acceleration of development in the 1966-1970s. production of tractors, self-propelled chassis and spare parts for them” and No. 157 dated February 29, 1972 “On the construction of the 1st stage of the ChZPT and the reconstruction of the Volgograd Motor Plant MTSHM”.
By a resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, the construction site was declared All-Union Shock Komsomolskaya.
Simultaneously with the construction of the plant, the formation of a team of future tractor builders began. By order of the Ministry of Tractor and Agricultural Machine Building of the USSR dated October 21, 1971 No. 276, the Directorate of the ChZPT under construction was organized. Viktor Timofeevich Desyatov was appointed director, releasing him from the post of director of the Volgograd Plant of Tractor Parts and Normals, who had experience in managing the construction of the Aswan Dam in Egypt. Experienced machine builders from Chelyabinsk (ChTZ), Pavlodar (PTZ), Volgograd (VGTZ), Petrozavodsk (PTZ), Rubtsovsk (ATZ), from Cheboksary enterprises were invited to play the roles of leading technical specialists. Since January 1972, the admission of workers, engineers and technicians, employees, specialists and managers began. Young specialists from leading universities and technical schools of the country were sent to the new enterprise.
On December 30, 1974, the builders put into operation the first production complex, including the delivery building, on the production areas of which the main workshops for the manufacture of parts and assemblies, as well as the assembly of experimental T-330 tractors, were created. Here, on April 30, 1974, the first machines were put into operation, and since January 1975, the manufacture of parts, mainly body parts, for the first tractors began. The main components and systems, by order of the Ministry, were manufactured by industry enterprises, including bulldozer units - attachments - at the Chelyabinsk plant of road and construction machines
Cheboksary Promtractor
The design of the T-330 tractor, developed in Chelyabinsk, was worked out by the young department of the chief designer under the leadership of Vladimir Vasilievich Emelianenko.
On October 25, 1975, the assembly of the first T-330 was completed. This date became the birthday of the Cheboksary plant of industrial tractors.
By 1976, technological equipment worth 20 million rubles was put into operation on the commissioned production areas of the ChZPT, the production of about 3 thousand items of parts and 25 tractor units was mastered, the numerical strength of the plant grew to 5 thousand people. 32 departments, 7 services, 13 workshops were created.
On the basis of the T-330 tractor, in 1974 the Department of the Chief Designer designed a pipe-laying tractor designed for laying large-diameter pipes in a trench, accompanying cleaning insulating machines and performing lifting and transport operations on main gas and oil pipelines. The first prototype of the TT-330 tractor was assembled on May 7 for the TG-502 pipelayer with a lifting capacity of 50 tons. TT-330 were sent to Sterlitamak to install attachments. In February 1980, after passing state tests, the commission recommended the pipelayer for mass production.
In 1976-80. tractor builders were faced with the task of organizing mass production of T-330 tractors, creating capacities at the main industries: foundry, mechanical assembly, press welding, tooling, machining. In the new production building with an area of almost 20 hectares - in the press-welding-assembly in April 1980, the main conveyor was launched.
Production shops were equipped with advanced technological equipment of both domestic and foreign production. About 40 enterprises of the country and dozens of foreign firms supplied the plant under construction with the latest technological equipment.
Since April 1981, the Cheboksary Plant of Industrial Tractors began to produce tractors T-330 with an offset cab according to the revised documentation 46-5VS with engines of the Volgograd Motor Plant with a capacity of 330 hp. By the end of the year, the first industrial batch of tractors in 350 units was produced. In order to meet the requirements of consumers, the design of the T-330 tractors has been constantly improved and modernized. T-330A tractors were produced until 2003.
Since 1978, the designers have been working on the T-500 tractor, the first prototypes, which were assembled in 1980. in the newly built experimental building, where in the future all new experimental tractors were assembled.
In March 1981, the department of the chief designer of ChZPT was transformed into the Head Specialized Design Bureau (GSKB) for heavy industrial tractors, which from 1976 to 1996 was headed by General Designer Yuri Dmitrievich Egorov.
Provision of the Cheboksary Plant of Industrial Tractors with the main blanks - steel and iron castings was provided for the ChZPT Foundry, and forgings and forgings - for the Kamyshin Forging and Foundry Plant.
May 24, 1977 in the repair and foundry shop of the ChZPT, the first melting of cast iron was carried out, and on September 30, the melting of steel. On October 6, 1982, the first capacities were put into operation, smelting was carried out in the Heavy Steel Castings Shop for 120 thousand tons of castings per year.
ChZPT received the status of an operating enterprise on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Tractor and Agricultural Engineering No. 505-k dated July 7, 1980 “On putting ChZPT into permanent operation”. In 1985, by the Decree and Order of the MTAA No. 490 of December 30 “On the General Scheme for the Management of Tractor and Agricultural Machine Building”, the plant was transformed into the Production Association PA “ChZPT”. From 1980 to 1985, the plant was headed by Georgy Maryanovich Pilyarsky.
Simultaneously with the construction of the plant, intensive construction of a residential microdistrict was carried out in the south-eastern part of the city of Cheboksary. The Novoyuzhny district, which grew up in the 70-80s, can rightfully be called a tractor factory.
Residential buildings, kindergartens, schools, roads, an overpass were built. In total, 21 preschool institutions for 6580 places and 12 secondary schools for 12 thousand places were built.
Young specialists and workers were provided with dormitories, including small-family houses. From 1974 to 1990 757 thousand sq.m. were built. living space, 13 dormitories for 8543 places and small-family houses for 76.7 thousand square meters. m.
In 1979, a trolleybus service to the plant was opened. Social facilities and healthcare facilities were built at a rapid pace: in 1978. a medical unit was built, in 1982 - a dispensary, in 1983 - a polyclinic and a household, in 1984 - a hospital complex, in 1986 - a department store "Shupashkar", in 1990 - a health camp "White Stones", in 1993 - a palace of culture of tractor builders.
Supervised the construction, commissioning and maintenance of these facilities Construction Director Grigory Moiseevich Bolotin, Deputy Ivan Ivanovich Dolgushin, director for everyday life and social issues, secretary of the plant's party committee, then secretary of the city committee, chairman of the Cheboksary city executive committee Shalimov Stanislav Vladimirovich.
In order to train specialists for the ChZPT, the Mechanical Engineering College, Vocational Schools No. 19 and 23, and the Mechanical Engineering Faculty were opened at the Chuvash State University.
From 1986 to 1995, Khanif Khaidarovich Mingazov was the general director of the ChZPT PA. During this period, the enterprise switched to self-supporting, the production began the development of hydraulic system units, attachments for tractors, and other components previously supplied by industry enterprises. The quality and reliability of technology improved. In 1987, PO "ChZPT" entered the world market. The first export deliveries were made to Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Cuba. In connection with the creation and expansion of the service network throughout the country, the creation of a training center for bulldozers, the engine life of tractors increased, and consequently the reputation of Cheboksary equipment grew.
The government and the Central Committee of the CPSU adopted Decree No. 1231 of December 12, 1985, which determined the program for developing the design and putting into production a new family of industrial tractors of classes 25, 35, 50 tons and their modifications.
In 1985, GSKB developed the basic concepts of the family of industrial tractors T-25.01, T-35.01, T-50.01 and their pipe-laying modifications. This year, the first three tractors T 25.01 of the classic layout with a planetary gearbox were manufactured. Three years later, the State Commission recommended it for production with the establishment of the highest quality category. On the basis of the T-25.01, modifications of the TG-321A pipelayer (the first tractor was assembled in 1987) and the reclamation TM-25.01 (1988) were created. In 1989, an experimental sample of the self-propelled universal robotic autonomous chassis "SURA" was manufactured, designed to work in conditions of radiation and chemical contamination. In the same year, the first experimental tractor T-50.01 (750 hp) was assembled. The T-35.01 tractor was accepted for production after completion of acceptance tests in 1991. And the designers completed the development of a new tractor - the KB-25.02 wheeled bulldozer and the PK-12 01 wheel loader, the prototypes of which were assembled in 1993 and 1994, respectively. In the early 90s, they were put into mass production.
In 1988, the 10,000th tractor rolled off the main assembly line. The capacity was increased at a rapid pace, which was brought up to 2,000 tractors per year in 1989. This year, 2020 tractors were assembled at the ChZPT PA. The number of the team reached 25 thousand people.
By order of the State Property Committee of the Russian Federation No. 312-r dated July 30, 1992, a proposal was made to privatize the production association "ChZPT" by transforming it into an open joint-stock company - JSC "Promtractor", which was registered by the Decree of the head of the administration of the Kalininsky district of Cheboksary on December 28, 1993, No. 338.
On February 2, 1995, the first meeting of shareholders took place in the House of Culture of Tractor Builders. The Charter of the Company was approved, the Board of Directors and the President were elected. They became Ershov Valentin Aleksandrovich.
From June 1998 to March 2001, Vitaly Vladimirovich Filippov was the General Director of OAO Promtractor.
At the end of the 90s, in order to expand the capabilities of Promtractor OJSC in the manufacture and sale of the main products, a decision was made to create tractors of smaller traction classes of 20 and 15 t.s., with a capacity of 290 and 240 hp. In 1999, the development of design documentation for the T-20.01Ya tractor and the T-15.01Ya tractor was completed. and pipelayers with a nominal load capacity of 31 and 22 tons.
Specialists and managers of OAO Promtractor Yu.D. Egorov, V.G. Novikov, V.P. Yarygin, M.V. Maksimov and V.V. Filippov in 2000. was awarded the title of Laureates of the State Prize of the Czech Republic in the field of natural and technical sciences for the creation and introduction of new modifications of caterpillar pipelayers into production.
In March 2002, the development of design documentation for the T-11.01Ya tractor was started, and by the Independence Day of the Republic (June 23, 2002 at the Tractor Show), the first prototypes of the T-11.01 tractors under the Chetra brand were presented.
According to the results of 2003, participating in the Program “100 Best Goods of Russia”, OJSC “Promtractor” was awarded the Diploma of the 1st degree for the tractor T-11.01 “Chetra”. Trademark "Chetra-11" at the competition "Brand of the Year-2003" was awarded a silver medal and a Gold Sign at the competition "Quality Mark of the Chuvash Republic"
In January 2004, two tractors T-20.01 and T-11.01 were awarded a gold medal in the framework of the international program "Golden Galaxy" in the field of quality.
From June 2005 JSC "Promtractor" became part of the corporate management company - LLC "Concern "Tractor Plants".
The management of the Concern "Tractor Plants" adopted a program for the technical re-equipment of "Promtractor", which provides for the purchase of machining centers and multifunctional machine tools from the company "Yamazaki Mazak Corporation". This equipment makes it possible to carry out complex processing of metal parts at high speeds, improve the quality of processing, reduce the time for reinstallation and changeover of equipment to other products. The production of 1480 parts has been mastered on the Mazak equipment, which makes it possible to reduce the labor intensity of the manufacturing process by 3-5 times.
To increase production capacity and improve the quality of tractor equipment, the existing production is being thoroughly modernized and improved at all levels. The layout of the equipment is being re-planned in order to create a mass production of parts, a compact arrangement of workshops. Areas for the manufacture of structurally similar parts in a closed cycle are being created.
The tasks of optimizing production are being expanded by means of the “Ordering” (5S) system. The main goal of the system is to identify and minimize all losses at each workplace associated with shortcomings in the organization of production, gaps in the accounting and movement of parts and blanks, technological equipment, ensuring the reliable operation of equipment and the release of products of appropriate quality under the personal responsibility of each performer.
According to the results of the republican review-competition on labor protection among organizations of Chuvashia in 2007 for the first group of organizations with more than 2500 employees, OJSC Promtractor was recognized as the winner.
In 2006 JSC "Promtractor" received certificates issued by the international organization "TUV Rheinland InterCert", confirming the compliance of tractor equipment with European norms and standards. On February 8, 2006 JSC "Promtractor" received the CERTIFICATE of compliance with the environmental management system.
In 2008, the Ministry of Industry and Energy of Chuvashia formed a rating assessment of the activities of organizations of the Chuvash Republic in the field of quality. Of the 12 participating enterprises, Promtractor took second place.
In 2008 Obtained CE conformity certificates from TUV for bulldozers Chetra 11C, Chetra 20C.
The TG-122 pipelayer became an honorary laureate of the All-Russian competition "100 Best Goods of Russia-2009" within the framework of the Y Interregional Forum "Strategy and Practice of Successful Business" in Cheboksary. Achievements of the enterprise during this period were largely determined by the team of managers who grew up at the plant, headed by Executive Director Alexander Ivanovich Titov.
Since August 2009 Sergey Petrovich Shchetnikov, Executive Director of OJSC Promtractor.
In 2010, prototypes of modernized bulldozer-ripping units were manufactured: T-11.02V, T-15.02V, T-20.02K. In technical development, production has been prepared for new models of tractors 6ST315, T-40.01, TG-511 and the EGP-230 excavator.
In 2012, the production of the following types of equipment was mastered:
• Agricultural tractor class 5.0 "Agromash - Ruslan"
• Crawler full-revolving excavator EGP (23 tons, 20 tons)
• Telescopic loader (PTS-4012) • Wheel loader (PK-120. K1)
• Bulldozer with hydrostatic transmission (T-11GST)
• Complex of caterpillar logging equipment (VPM-130, SRM-140, LP-150)
Innovative projects in 2012 included the launch of the Fanuc robotic complex for welding large-sized parts and assemblies for the entire model range of equipment manufactured by Promtractor JSC, the organization of a high-tech site for the production of electrical harnesses for equipment manufactured by the Concern. Since November 2012, 8 high-performance Doosan machining centers have been put into operation for the development of new types of agricultural machinery products. In December, a center for the assembly of transmissions for agricultural tractors was launched. A modern high-performance line of polymer coatings was launched - a powder coating line of the RPE company.
In March 2013, the first batch of serial excavators Chetra EGP 2326 was produced on the main conveyor of the Assembly Shop, and in June at the exhibition in Moscow "Construction Equipment and Technologies -2013" a new tractor bulldozer T-6 and a dump truck with an articulated frame S-33 were demonstrated with a carrying capacity of 33.5 tons.
Since 2015, the industrial site of Promtractor has housed the production of tracked vehicles Agromash 90TG, moved from the Volgograd Tractor Plant.
The increase in the line of tractor equipment, its model range, diversity and purpose for operators made it possible to expand the geography of sales. Among the countries where the equipment has not been supplied before are Zimbabwe, Angola, Afghanistan. Australia, Ghana, Uganda, Algeria, Libya, Ethiopia, South Africa and South Korea. The main increase in supplies occurs in the countries of Southeast Asia and North Africa. The exclusive distributor of all products of JSC "Promtractor" is a specialized trade and service company of the Concern "Chetra", and the guarantor of the provision of spare parts is LLC "Promtractor - Service".
Over 28 thousand machines of the Cheboksary Plant of Industrial Tractors have been produced over the 45-year historical period of the largest enterprise in the Russian machine-building industry.
The main consumers of Promtractor equipment are gold mining enterprises: Severovostokzoloto, Amurzoloto LTD Company LLP, Aldanzoloto OJSC, Almazy Rossii Sakha JSC, Yakutia Gold JSC, Lenzoloto JSC, Yeniseizoloto State Enterprise, OJSC Uralzoloto and others. Enterprises of the fuel and energy complex: Concern Kuzbassrazrezugol, Krasnoyarskugleservis, Yakutugol, Primorskugol, Aleksandriyaugol, Vostsibugol, Karagandaugol, Ekibastuzugol, Donetskugol, Novosibirskenergo, Khabarovskenergo, etc. Metallurgical industry enterprises: Magnitogorsk Combine, Lebedinsky GOK , Stoilensky GOK, Mikhailovsky GOK, Vyazemsky GOK, Pecheneganikel Combine, Olenegorsky GOK, Sokolovsko-Sarbaevskoye GPO, Yuzhruda GPO, Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works, JSC Severstal, JSC Aluminum of Kazakhstan.
The Chetra equipment has proven itself well at the facilities of the Sakhalin-2 project (Russia), the Chita-Khabarovsk federal highway (Russia); on the construction of pipelines "Taishet-Nakhodka" (Russia), "Mundra-Delhi" (India), "Atasu-Alashkankou" (Kazakhstan-China), gas pipelines "North European" (Russia-Germany), "Blue Stream" (Russia -Turkey), "South Sumatra-West Java" (Indonesia), "Karachaganak-Aksai-Uralsk" (Kazakhstan), oil pipeline of the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (Kazakhstan-Russia).
Thanks to the strong support and active assistance of the Government of the Chuvash Republic, JSC "Promtractor" participates in the implementation of long-term agreements on economic, scientific and technical cooperation between the Cabinets of Ministers of the Chechen Republic and the Republic of Sakha - Yakutia, the administrations of the Kemerovo, Tyumen and Magadan regions, RAO "Russian Nickel".
Since 2018, the management of Promtractor has been carried out by a new team headed by Andrey Valentinovich Vodopyanov, General Director of the Machine-Building Industrial Group Concern Tractor Plants. In a short period, production volumes increased by 173%, sales increased three times. A research and development project is being implemented for the serial production of an automatic hydromechanical transmission, preparations are underway for the third serial production of a model range of bulldozer units and the manufacture of tractors with a traction class of -50 tons.
Since September 1, 2020, Promtractor Production Company LLC has been established in the Tractor Plants Concern. It was headed by the most experienced production worker and organizer, who worked his way at ChZPT from foreman to General Director Alexander Ivanovich Titov.
Promtractor is proud of its people: Avrukh Vitaly Semenovich, Honored Power Engineer of the Russian Federation, Grigory Moiseevich Bolotin, Honored Builder of the Russian Federation, Hanif Khaidarovich Mingazov, Honored Mechanical Engineers of the Russian Federation, Valeryan Filippovich Filippov, Viktor Nikolaevich Tsai, Alexey Petrovich Suvorov, Honored Innovator of the Russian Federation, Boris Ivanovich Strebulyaev, Honored Mechanical Engineers of the Russian Federation , Belov Boris Fedorovich, Nesterov Vyacheslav Petrovich, Ryabov Valery Petrovich, Volkov Georgy Nikolaevich and others - more than 100 people.
80 tractor builders were awarded orders, 91 - medals "For labor distinction" and "For labor prowess", more than 100 people - Honored Workers of the Chuvash Republic, 300 people - golden shots of the Tractor Plants Concern.
Honorary citizens of the city of Cheboksary: Stanislav Shalimov, Ivan Dolgushin, Olympic champion Valentina Egorova.
Protractor is the only plant in Russia and the CIS countries that is one of the four world leading enterprises in the production of heavy bulldozer-ripping and pipe-laying equipment. Machines produced by the enterprise are used in the oil and gas, mining and construction industries.