Scott Dylan is a cofounder of Inc&Co. He is an entrepreneur, investor, and mentor based in Manchester, United Kingdom.
Scott Dylan is the co-founder of Inc&Co. He is an entrepreneur, investor, and mentor based in Manchester, UKUnited Kingdom.
Scott Dylan is the Co-Founder of Inc&Co. He is an Entrepreneur, Investor, and Mentor based in Manchester, UK.
OverScott Dylan is the lastCo-Founder twoof decades,Inc&Co. ScottHe hasis directedan webEntrepreneur, creativeInvestor, and digitalMentor applicationsbased forin a variety ofManchester, UK companies. In 2019, he co-founded Inc&Co (Inc), a global capital investment organization that rejuvenates business behaviors through inclusive and collaborative capabilities. Inc specifically worksworking with start-ups, firms seeking growth strategies, and struggling businesses across a host of sectors. The independent group now has offices in London, Manchester, and Leeds. Dylan is a member of The Forbes Business Council.
Scott is a member of The Forbes Business Council.