Space Pig is a community-driven meme cryptocurrency on Binance Smart Chain.
Space Pig is a community-driven meme cryptocurrency on Binance Smart Chain.
Space Pig is ownerless, fully decentralized and supported by its community of enthusiasts. Everyone can participate in every step of Space Pig’s growth!
In the cryptocurrency market, Trust is paramount. That means full transparency not only in the community support and development, but also in any security effort. Examples include top-grade audits of $SPACEPIG's code, and liquidity tokens being burnt to strongly reduce any risk of malicious behavior.
Our largest project in the works is our Minting App and
NFT marketplace. You can mint our NFTs though minting app
and we will allow users to create and buy/auction their own NFTs.
When purchasing this token you will agree to the fullest extent that you have done research considering cryptocurrency DEFI- space and to not hold this token or its affiliated persons from and against all losses that arise from or relate to your purchase. We as a team will do our best to work for this token and it's value.
$SPACEPIG official smart contract has been audited by the competent authorities in carrying out full research and supervision to ensure the security and reliability.
Space Pig is a community-driven meme cryptocurrency on Binance Smart Chain.