Strata is a social token protocol that makes it possible to build and monetize tokenized economies around a person, idea, or collective. Powered by Solana, it is the fastest and least expensive way to launch a token. After months in development, the Strata protocol was officially open sourced today.
While not currently supported, the goal is to allow free movement of ones token from one collective to another.This ability may hurt or help the open collective.This will lead to higher competition between collectives.This could either drive users back to the Open Collective, if other Collectives fail to deliverdeliver.Or it could drive users away from the Open Collective, as other collectives that take royalties provide greater utility.
While not currently supported, the goal is to allow free movement of ones token from one collective to another.This ability may hurt or help the open collective.This will lead to higher competition between collectivescollectives.This could either drive users back to the Open Collective, if other Collectives fail to deliver.
While not currently supported, the goal is to allow free movement of ones token from one collective to another.This ability may hurt or help the open collectivecollective.This will lead to higher competition between collectives.
While not currently supported, the goal is to allow free movement of ones token from one collective to anotheranother.This ability may hurt or help the open collective.
While not currently supported, the goal is to allow free movement of ones token from one collective to another.
Collective Movement
The teams of both Strata and want to see the Open Collective succeed because they want to see the entire protocol succeed. They want to drive value into this newly forming economyeconomy.Neither team, however, will ever pick sides or choose winners amongst collectives.
The teams of both Strata and want to see the Open Collective succeed because they want to see the entire protocol succeed. They want to drive value into this newly forming economy.
The teams of both Strata and want to see the Open Collective succeed because they want to see the entire protocol succeed.
OPEN in no way represents ownership in Strata or
OPEN is a truly decentralized utility token.
Neither the team nor the Strata team own, or are taking any share of the Open Collective. As such, the Open Collective is not backed by a team.While the community that forms around the Open Collective will drive it forward because of the incentive alignment; there is no core team.
Neither the team nor the Strata team own, or are taking any share of the Open Collective. As such, the Open Collective is not backed by a team.
Neither the team nor the Strata team own, or are taking any share of the Open Collective.
No Team
Members of the collective may choose to provide services because they are incentive aligned with the Open Collective.
No royalties means that the Open Collective has no treasury.The Open Collective is not an organization. It will not provide services because it does not have funds to do so.
No royalties means that the Open Collective has no treasurytreasury.The Open Collective is not an organization.
No royalties means that the Open Collective has no treasury.
No fees