TenUp (TUP) is a cryptocurrency . TenUp has a current supply of 35,333,925.92334331 with 28,477,485.41054746 in circulation. The last known price of TenUp is 0.47252281 USD and is down -10.97 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 8 active market(s) with $338,455.03 traded over the last 24 hours.
TenUp (TUP) is a cryptocurrency . TenUp has a current supply of 35,333,925.92334331 with 28,477,485.41054746 in circulation. The last known price of TenUp is 0.47252281 USD and is down -10.97 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 8 active market(s) with $338,455.03 traded over the last 24 hours.
TenUp (TUP) is a cryptocurrency . TenUp has a current supply of 35,333,925.92334331 with 28,477,485.41054746 in circulation. The last known price of TenUp is 0.47252281 USD and is down -10.97 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 8 active market(s) with $338,455.03 traded over the last 24 hours.
Tenup smart is a project initiated to launch MetaVerse solutions by Pakistani crypto influencer Waqar Zaka in collaboration with NED University of engineering & Technology Pakistan which has the best AR & VR lab , dedicated PH.D professions for this project.
TenUp is also a masternode based POS coin. TenUp believes that every individual is blessed with some great skill set and some of those have great passion and enthusiasm to transform their ideas into identities. To provide a push to such creative and intellectual minds, TenUp has come up with a completely unique and out-of-the-box solution. A blockchain based venture capitalist platform to connect the ideas with the investors who are ready to put their trust in highly feasible proposals and providing the transparency and trust that is currently lacking especially when distances are involved.TenUp Nation is powered by the community and is poised to help entrepreneurs in raising funds for their projects while helping refugees and the unbanked globally. TenUp will achieve these goals by using the disruptive power of blockchain technology and unlike other blockchain projects, TenUp is built to serve the needs of an important and long-neglected audience.
TenUp Details
The doors that have been opened by the blockchain technology are enough to change the dynamics of the traditional market. We, in years of progression see ourselves as the top-notch platform, which will become a source of helping those individuals and entrepreneurs who have the capabilities to bring a positive change in the world, but lack in the basic funding for their startup. The main purpose of TenUp is to form a community which will help people to pursue their passion and get support for their ideas & startups with a special focus on community mobilization and community development.
TenUp (TUP) is a cryptocurrency . TenUp has a current supply of 35,333,925.92334331 with 28,477,485.41054746 in circulation. The last known price of TenUp is 0.47252281 USD and is down -10.97 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 8 active market(s) with $338,455.03 traded over the last 24 hours.