TiTi Protocol is a multi-asset Reserve Stablecoin based on decentralized Monopoly-AMM.
Multi-asset Reserve Stablecoin based on decentralized Monopoly-AMM
TiTi Protocol, a multi-asset reserve stablecoin based on decentralized Monopoly Auto Market Maker mechanism. TiTi servers as an intermediate component for overall defi ecosystem.
Why native asset reserve Stablecoin?
Huge potential. According to data from CMC the total market value of the cryptocurrency is almost $ 2 trillion, while the market value of the crypto stable coin is far less with a market value of $ 98.5 Billion. Since early 2020, the crypto market value is expanding rapidly and people are rushing into the crypto world. Accordingly, users’ demand for blockchain native stablecoin is rising rapidly. Hence, the native stable coin infrastructure for the crypto world will be the top priority in 2021 and years after.
Market opportunity. None of the current crypto-native stablecoin undertake the real resposibility of a stablecoin in cryptoworld. Although they do make significant contribution, so far, there has not yet been a truly phenomenal, large-scale applicable and crypto asset backed algorithm stable coins.
Where did TiTi come from?
The core of algorithmic stablecoins secured by reserve assets is that the market circulation of tokens needs always to ensure that they follow the actual market demand. Moreover, in the process of change, tokens can achieve an anchoring relationship with 1$, thereby enhancing the users’ sense of trust in it. Therefore, we have the most straightforward idea. One Protocol can issue stable assets at a price of no less than 1$ and repurchase stable assets at a price of no more than 1$. All or part of the funds obtained from the issuance or sale of assets will be sent to Protocol Reserve Value. The Protocol Reserve Value bears sufficient funds when users redeem or repurchase assets with issued stablecoin. Thus,the protocol can maintain the price at 1$ at any time to increase the user’s sense of trust in the Protocol. We designed a new type of elastic supply algorithmic stablecoin solution based on this understanding, the TITI Protocol, which is decentralized, issued by a monopoly-automatic-market-maker-system and secured by multi reserve assets. TITI is the stablecoin issued by the protocol.
Multi-asset Reserve Stablecoin based on decentralized Monopoly-AMM