Tits, or real tits (lat. Parus) - a genus of birds of the tit family. The common representative of the genus, the great tit (Parus major), is widespread in Russia.
Family of birds
Tits, or real tits (lat. Parus) - a genus of birds of the tit family. The common representative of the genus, the great tit (Parus major), is widespread in Russia.
The family includes birds that are similar to each other both in appearance and in lifestyle. They are small, with a body length of 10-20 cm, with a wingspan of 16-26 cm. Titmouses weigh from 7 to 48 grams.
The smallest member of the family is the fire-headed remez (Cephalopyrus flammiceps), with a body length of up to 10 cm and a weight of 7 g. The largest in the family is the Tibetan false jay (Pseudopodoces humilis) with a body size of 19-20 cm and a weight of 45-48 g .