Uzhhorod National University is an organization founded in 1945.
Uzhhorod National University - Ukrainian higher state educational institution located in Uzhgorod. It was founded on July 19, 1945. It is one of the classical universities of Ukraine accredited according to the IV (highest) level of accreditation (license of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine series AG No. 582508). Rector of UzhNU — Smolanka Vladimir Ivanovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. Personnel potential: 111 doctors of sciences, professors, 400 candidates of sciences and associate professors.Over 30 teachers have honorary titles of Ukraine, in particular - honored workers of science and technology, corresponding members of NAU, public education workers, doctors, inventors. The number of students is more than 13 thousand. Form of education: full-time and part-time. Training of specialists is carried out according to educational and qualification levels: bachelor, specialist, master. Terms of study: 5-6 years.