VTB Bank (Belarus) has been operating in the market of the Republic of Belarus since 1996 and is consistently among the ten largest banks in the country.
VTB Bank (Belarus) has been operating in the market of the Republic of Belarus since 1996 and is consistently among the ten largest banks in the country.
Main office
Moskovskaya str., 14, Minsk, Belarus
Phone numbers
+375(17)309-15-15 City
+375(33)309-15-15 MTS
+375(29)309-15-15 A1
vtb.by - Official website
online.vtb.by - Internet banking (VTB Belarus Internet Bank for individuals)
biz.vtb.by - For business (Internet banking for legal entities)
VTB Bank (Belarus) has been operating in the market of the Republic of Belarus since 1996 and is consistently among the ten largest banks in the country.