A Decentralized Marketplace for Lenders and Borrowers with Borderless Stablecoins.
For the safe trading of digital assets.
Welnance exchange is a marketplace for crypto trading. The main function of Welnance exchange is to ensure fair and orderly trading crypto and the efficient dissemination of price information for any securities trading on that exchange. Welnance Exchanges give companies, governments, and other groups a platform to the investing public.
March 15, 2022
A Decentralized Marketplace for Lenders and Borrowers with Borderless Stablecoins.
Access an immutable money market protocol directly on-chain ! All Welnance Protocol assets are bound by the BEP-20 standard on the Binance Smart Chain for fast, secure and low cost transactions. Funds held within the protocol can earn APY’s based on the market demand for that asset. Interest is earned by the block and can be used as collateral to borrow assets or to mint stablecoins.
WEL is the native token of the Welnance Blockchain.
WEL tokens are mainly used to stake on the Welnance DeFi platform and also used as a community token for rewards and airdrops.
Binance Smart Chain approved
Total supply of 5,000,000,000
94% of tokens locked
Over 8,000 holders
Used for community rewards
Verified on CoinMarketCap