Russian actor
Russian actor
Born on April 6, 1991 in Leningrad. In 2013 he graduated from the St. Petersburg State Academy of Theatrical Arts (course of I.R. Stockbant).
A theatre is "Comic": "La - amore Serbia" is Milograd
"Eliza" is Freddy Yensfird-Hill "Island of treasures"
is Jim "Flowers silvery" is Ludvig "Blus" - Blez Dambriye
"Kazanova in Russia", Stokbant is horse-guardsman Zinoviev (Stokbant)
"Demon in a rib", on reasons of Fonvizin "Brigadier" is Ivan(Manveev) Theatre of "LDM" : Musical "Master and Margaret" are Cat Hippopotamus(authors of libretto Irene Afanasieva, Maria Oshmanskaya, Sergey Shilovskii -Bulgakov)