Access multi-chains with zero fee and gasless transactions on Zeroswap
What makes Zeroswap unique?
Zeroswap enables economical trades to happen with gasless transactions achieved by using transaction fee mining.
Zero fees:
Trading on multi chains on Zeroswap can be done at zero cost. There is no fee charged.
A unanimous governance mechanism helps adapt to decentralized network changes over time.
Zeroswap provides a platform to earn rewards from liquidity mining every time you make a trade.
DEX aggregation:
On Zeroswap, one can access liquidity on multi chains from all decentralized liquidity providers.
Developer friendly:
One can easily integrate ZeeSuite with their existing workflows.
Multi-chain trading protocol:
Multichain ecosystems are an integral part of the DeFi world. Ethereum, which is the flagbearer of this technology, has some fundamental issues in its underline architecture like — scalability, gas fees, transactions per second.
Zeroswap is a multi-chain compatible decentralised exchange aggregator protocol focused on making zero-fee transactions possible. We are aiming to make on-chain trading simple and easy, by providing access to multi-chains like ethereum, BSC, Polkadot and Elrond under one roof. The core product is being designed to function gasless and focused on aggregating liquidity from multiple protocols.