A pregnancy app built by IITians and Top doctors of India. Follow a personalized and scientifically proven lifestyle during your pregnancy and parenting.
A pregnancy app built by IITians and Top doctors of India. Follow a personalized and scientifically proven lifestyle during your pregnancy and parenting.
What happens when a senior gynac, a meditation teacher and 2 young IITians bond together?This is how iMumz was born.After leaving IIT in 2017, in high energy and a great job offer, I decided to do something of my own and for the country. India had won a silver & bronze at the Olympics and the performance had declined. Though I'm not a sportsperson, I had a dream to help create stronger sportspersons for the country. But where to start from?While debating why the Americans/Chinese kept winning, my friends used to close arguments with, its in their DNA. But along with DNA as a blueprint, it's the womb environment which plays a key role in shaping the child’s health. The idea was born that we have to provide the mother with the best womb environment to have intelligent, happy and healthy babies.With help from senior gynaecologist Dr Jaideep Malhotra, Ravi Teja Akondi and my mentor Rajesh Jagasia, we started with this mission. With no experience in coding, people management, risk taking, we had lots of opportunities to learn (read fail) but we kept going.After 1 year & lots of deliberations & hundreds of babies delivered, iMumz is a paid program with thousands of subscribers throughout the country.
A pregnancy app built by IITians and Top doctors of India. Follow a personalized and scientifically proven lifestyle during your pregnancy and parenting.