CS GO player
Overall Ranking
k0nfig is currently ranked #338 in highest overall earnings, and #13 in highest earnings for players from Denmark Denmark.
Largest Prize from a Single Tournament
The largest cash prize that k0nfig has been awarded from a single tournament was $67,000.00 from BLAST Premier: Spring 2020 European Finals on June 21, 2020. His 1st place finish makes up 14.73% of his total prize money won.
$100,000 Milestone
k0nfig obtained $100,000 in total prize money earned on October 23, 2016 with a $50,000.00 cash prize from his 1st place finish at EPICENTER 2016 - CS:GO Finals. Prize money from 33 tournaments got him to that point.
Recent Earnings
k0nfig has won $16,700.00 in prize money from 5 tournaments within the last 90 days, $2,700.00 (or 16.17%) of which came in the last month.
CS GO pro player
Kristian "k0nfig" Wienecke (born April 19, 1997) is a Danish professional Counter-Strike: Global Offensive player for Astralis.
CS GO pro player
CS GO player